Two of Pentacles or (Two of Disks) Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Change (Harmonious Change)
Lord of Change (Harmonious Change)
Themes and Keywords: Progressive evolution. Cycles. Expansion and contraction in phases. Material prospects. Luck versus skill. Successions, divine and material.Climbing and descent are both forward motion. Opposites working in tandem through time. Exchanges across a distance.
Element: Earth Zodiac Signs : Capricorn Healing Crystals : Amethyst, Bloodstone Two of Pentacles Keywords
UPRIGHT: Multiple priorities, time management, prioritization, adaptability. REVERSED: Over-committed, disorganisation, reprioritisation. Numerology2(two)
Here, Number 2 represents balance and action in the material world. On the Tree of Life, 2 is associated with the sphere of the Western Zodiac, thus symbolizing the interaction between the individual and the cosmos. In short, our individual actions can impact others in ways we cannot often predict. |
The dancer on the Two of Pentacles card performs his act on a grey stage, representing fundamental and quite serious principles. The blue backdrop shows that real learning occurs at the subconscious level.
Ships with colourful sails bounce around on exaggerated ocean waves across the background of the Two of Pentacles.
In The Two of Pentacles Tarot card, the waves represent the ups and downs we experience as we go through life. They also remind us that there are many things we cannot control.
The ships in the Two of Pentacles symbolize our resilience, the ability to stay afloat, no matter what happens to us. Ships also symbolize travel, messages and profits.
In the Two of Pentacles Tarot card, the dancer himself is dressed in green, red and orange. These colours symbolize life, passion and wealth. Therefore, this performance teaches us about the joy of living in the physical world.
Notice the green ribbon in the shape of the infinity sign around the pentacles, simulating the never-ending act of balancing – or juggling – pleasure and responsibility.
Ships with colourful sails bounce around on exaggerated ocean waves across the background of the Two of Pentacles.
In The Two of Pentacles Tarot card, the waves represent the ups and downs we experience as we go through life. They also remind us that there are many things we cannot control.
The ships in the Two of Pentacles symbolize our resilience, the ability to stay afloat, no matter what happens to us. Ships also symbolize travel, messages and profits.
In the Two of Pentacles Tarot card, the dancer himself is dressed in green, red and orange. These colours symbolize life, passion and wealth. Therefore, this performance teaches us about the joy of living in the physical world.
Notice the green ribbon in the shape of the infinity sign around the pentacles, simulating the never-ending act of balancing – or juggling – pleasure and responsibility.
If the Two of Pentacles shows up in your Tarot reading upright, your life certainly is a whirlwind of activity right now, but it looks like you’re having fun. Others are marvelling at how you manage to get it all done. They are amazed that you can weather the worst storms and still come out smelling like roses.
The Two of Pentacles is not a card of passivity. It embodies the principle of balance through constant motion and intuitive awareness. Balance is a feeling and its accompanying emotion is joy.
You have learned that this principle applies not only to specific skills but to all areas of life. Knowing that responsibility and pleasure are both necessary to leading a satisfying life, you intuitively give each their due attention, never completely neglecting one for the sake of the other.The 2 of Pentacles is a card about balance, often also about partnership.
The Two of Pentacles is not a card of passivity. It embodies the principle of balance through constant motion and intuitive awareness. Balance is a feeling and its accompanying emotion is joy.
You have learned that this principle applies not only to specific skills but to all areas of life. Knowing that responsibility and pleasure are both necessary to leading a satisfying life, you intuitively give each their due attention, never completely neglecting one for the sake of the other.The 2 of Pentacles is a card about balance, often also about partnership.
General: Two main issues are foremost in your mind. You may need to pull back from trying to pay attention to quite so many things. Multi-tasking is not your friend now, you may need to cut down on the things you are doing in order to focus on your two main priorities. Your financial situation may need to be more balanced, be sure that you are paying attention there.
Work: You may need to consider taking a risk. You can limit the chance you will need to take, but you cannot fully prevent being somewhat exposed. Don't run around like a chicken with your head cut off.
Focus on just two main tasks at most. If you're looking for work, find two main prospects and do your homework on these, rather than blanketing potential work situations with applications.
Love: If you're currently in a committed relationship, you and your sweetheart may be having trouble finding time and energy for each other. Make sure that your relationship remains high on your priority list, otherwise, it won't be there when you come back for it.
If you're looking for love, don't tell yourself that you are ready if you are truly not ready for a relationship. You don't have to be perfect first, but you do have to be willing to create the time, space, and energy to put into romance.
Finances: Pay attention to the bottom line, be sure that you know where you are financial. You may need to get things in balance, e.g. either spending less or bringing in more money in order to build a sounder financial future. This is a good time to invest (wisely.) This is not necessarily a great time to spend or speculate financially.
Health: You need to balance your health efforts with your personal and professional responsibilities. Be sure that you are taking time for your own life, your own rest, relaxation, and healing.
If you put yourself last on the list of things to think about, your health situation will definitely suffer. Start where you are. Your goal should be progressing, not perfection.
Work: You may need to consider taking a risk. You can limit the chance you will need to take, but you cannot fully prevent being somewhat exposed. Don't run around like a chicken with your head cut off.
Focus on just two main tasks at most. If you're looking for work, find two main prospects and do your homework on these, rather than blanketing potential work situations with applications.
Love: If you're currently in a committed relationship, you and your sweetheart may be having trouble finding time and energy for each other. Make sure that your relationship remains high on your priority list, otherwise, it won't be there when you come back for it.
If you're looking for love, don't tell yourself that you are ready if you are truly not ready for a relationship. You don't have to be perfect first, but you do have to be willing to create the time, space, and energy to put into romance.
Finances: Pay attention to the bottom line, be sure that you know where you are financial. You may need to get things in balance, e.g. either spending less or bringing in more money in order to build a sounder financial future. This is a good time to invest (wisely.) This is not necessarily a great time to spend or speculate financially.
Health: You need to balance your health efforts with your personal and professional responsibilities. Be sure that you are taking time for your own life, your own rest, relaxation, and healing.
If you put yourself last on the list of things to think about, your health situation will definitely suffer. Start where you are. Your goal should be progressing, not perfection.
When The Two of Pentacles card presents itself inverted in a Tarot reading, things are, well, less than perfect.
The 2 of Pentacles reversed can indicate that you have a lot that you are trying to juggle and can be a signal that you may need a break; even a short break of some kind is preferable to ongoing, unremitting stress. General: If you are feeling like "it's all too much," and that you just can't deal with all the things on your plate, it's important to pay attention to those feelings. Get help if you need it, as we are all in this life together, or give yourself at least a short bit of breathing space. You will go back to things renewed. Work: Although the reversed 2 of Pentacles is generally a good card, the demands at work may have become a bit overwhelming. Don't over-commit, it is better to do a couple of things thoroughly and well than to do many things badly. If possible, consider some time off. If looking for work, focus. Solicit companies that are well suited to your background, rather than just applying to everything at random. Love: If you are currently in a committed relationship, other concerns may be pulling your attention away from your beloved. Be sure that your partner knows how much you care and how much you appreciate them. If you are looking for love, be sure that you are not fooling yourself about how ready you really are for a deep relationship to come into your life. If you are constantly filling all your time with work or with distractions, there may not be room in your life for a partner. |
Finances: This card in reverse tells you to watch out that you aren't "Robbing Ram to Pay Shyam." You need to be sure that you are living within your means and to do that, you have to know what your incomings and outgoings actually are. If you need help getting to the bottom line on this, ask for it. You cannot afford to ignore your finances and assume everything will be fine.
Health: If you can find your joy at the wonders of what your body is capable of, you will find that your health increases greatly, as you will naturally begin to give your body more of the exercise it needs.
Be sure that you have enough time in your life to think about and act on health needs. No one who works constantly every hour of every day can be in balance. Everyone needs time to themselves.
Be sure that you have enough time in your life to think about and act on health needs. No one who works constantly every hour of every day can be in balance. Everyone needs time to themselves.