Six of Wands Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Victory
Lord of Victory
Themes: Harmony. Honors. Royalty. Triumph with peace. Successful climax. Pride and recognition. Self-expansion. Excellence.
Element: Fire Zodiac Signs : Aries, Leo & Sagittarius Healing Crystals : Carnelian Six of Wands Keywords
UPRIGHT: Success, public recognition, progress, self-confidence REVERSED: Private achievement, personal definition of success, fall from grace, egotism Numerology6(six)
Kabbalistically, sixes are associated with the radiant energy of the Sun. In traditional Numerology, 6 corresponds to Venus and the power of joy. When these energies combine in the Suit of Wands, your success and happiness are an inspiration to others. |
Kabbalists call the Six of Wands Tarot card the Lord of Victory and your victory is outward as well as inward. As the crowned rider, you have built on the energetic momentum of the Ace of Wands.
The staff you’re carrying is crowned with a laurel wreath, a symbol of victory. Note that the staff and wreath in the Six of Wands from the alchemical symbol for salt, meaning that you’re pure in mind and body. You have succeeded by doing the right thing.
Wearing fiery red and solar orange, your yellow shirt reveals that you haven’t exhausted your energies by a long shot. Yellow is associated with air. There’s still plenty of oxygen to keep those fires burning.
In a Tarot reading, look to the other cards surrounding the Five of Wands to get clues as to whether the Five of Wands is foretelling of garden variety human smack talking or if it is an omen of serious conflict.
In the Tarot, horses are symbols of movement and power. The horse in the Six of Wands is white to signify your pure intentions. The green cloth barding shows creativity, prosperity, and love.
The five staffs held by the men on the ground in the Six of Wands are a reference to the Five of Wands, meaning that this card also promises victory after a struggle. The staff in the rider’s hand forms the Roman numeral “VII” with the three staff on the right. This shows that you can face any challenge that may lie ahead with confidence.
The staff you’re carrying is crowned with a laurel wreath, a symbol of victory. Note that the staff and wreath in the Six of Wands from the alchemical symbol for salt, meaning that you’re pure in mind and body. You have succeeded by doing the right thing.
Wearing fiery red and solar orange, your yellow shirt reveals that you haven’t exhausted your energies by a long shot. Yellow is associated with air. There’s still plenty of oxygen to keep those fires burning.
In a Tarot reading, look to the other cards surrounding the Five of Wands to get clues as to whether the Five of Wands is foretelling of garden variety human smack talking or if it is an omen of serious conflict.
In the Tarot, horses are symbols of movement and power. The horse in the Six of Wands is white to signify your pure intentions. The green cloth barding shows creativity, prosperity, and love.
The five staffs held by the men on the ground in the Six of Wands are a reference to the Five of Wands, meaning that this card also promises victory after a struggle. The staff in the rider’s hand forms the Roman numeral “VII” with the three staff on the right. This shows that you can face any challenge that may lie ahead with confidence.
The Six of Wands not only shows that you are getting the recognition you deserve, but it also suggests that your actions inspire others. It’s an especially good card in a career Tarot reading. Your superiors have been watching your progress for quite some time and they like what they’re seeing.
That promotion or bonus you’ve been coveting could well be in your reach. The white horse shows that your way of getting ahead has never stood in conflict with your values.
Sometimes, the Six of Wands Tarot card announces good news from official or government sources. So keep checking your mailbox. The 6 of Wands is a very positive omen.
It can indicate that despite the challenges you are facing, you will overcome them and come out on top. This card also points toward literal or metaphorical movement; things are changing, in a positive way.
That promotion or bonus you’ve been coveting could well be in your reach. The white horse shows that your way of getting ahead has never stood in conflict with your values.
Sometimes, the Six of Wands Tarot card announces good news from official or government sources. So keep checking your mailbox. The 6 of Wands is a very positive omen.
It can indicate that despite the challenges you are facing, you will overcome them and come out on top. This card also points toward literal or metaphorical movement; things are changing, in a positive way.
General: In general, the 6 is about happiness and celebration. You are about to see some results from your hard work and efforts. Give yourself a break or treat yourself in some way. You have certainly earned it.
Work: If you're looking for a position, this card is a very positive portent. You will find something that is better than you hope. If you're currently in a position that you want to stay in - things are about to get even better at work for you than you would have hoped. Your efforts are valued. Just keep doing what you are doing.
Love: In a committed relationship, this card means that things are looking up. Suddenly, you are likely to find yourself feeling closer and happier with your partner than ever before.
If you're unattached, take heart - the appearance of this card can mean you're about to enter a relationship with someone you've been dreaming about. This is a very positive omen.
Finances: Things will be going much better for you financially soon. Regardless of what is happening all around you, things are going to be on the upswing for you financially. Be prudent, however, is what you do with any increase.Particularly these days, it's important for everyone to be prepared for a rainy day. Still - expect an increase.
Health: If you're worried about health, relax. Things are not as bad for you or the person that you're asking about as you fear. There is an underlying, spiritual strength that will sustain the health of the person you're asking about. Take heart.
Work: If you're looking for a position, this card is a very positive portent. You will find something that is better than you hope. If you're currently in a position that you want to stay in - things are about to get even better at work for you than you would have hoped. Your efforts are valued. Just keep doing what you are doing.
Love: In a committed relationship, this card means that things are looking up. Suddenly, you are likely to find yourself feeling closer and happier with your partner than ever before.
If you're unattached, take heart - the appearance of this card can mean you're about to enter a relationship with someone you've been dreaming about. This is a very positive omen.
Finances: Things will be going much better for you financially soon. Regardless of what is happening all around you, things are going to be on the upswing for you financially. Be prudent, however, is what you do with any increase.Particularly these days, it's important for everyone to be prepared for a rainy day. Still - expect an increase.
Health: If you're worried about health, relax. Things are not as bad for you or the person that you're asking about as you fear. There is an underlying, spiritual strength that will sustain the health of the person you're asking about. Take heart.
When reversed, the Six of Wands Tarot card cautions that it may be a bit too early to celebrate. Your sense of optimism may be misguided because it’s based on emotion alone.
It’s important to have a great attitude. When you feel like you’re on top of the world, you are especially vulnerable to people who don’t have your best interest in mind – even more so when you are desperate. Yes, standing in the limelight feels great. But remember that your success can also attract a lot of envy. Some may not be able to bear the thought of you doing better than they and they’ll go to great lengths to find skeletons in your closet. So it’s a good idea to be on guard against those who’d love to see you fall from grace. The 6 of Wands reversed is a positive omen. It can mean that despite delays and challenges, that things you have been hoping for or working on may finally come through. General: In general, the reversed 6 of Wands is about victory. However, you may need to be cautious about whom you place your trust. There may be one person who on the surface looks like a supporter but who may actually be jealous or negative in some way. Trust your instincts about people & don't hesitate to stand up for yourself if necessary.. Work: You should be cautiously optimistic when the 6 of Wands appears reversed. If you are currently employed, although your work is appreciated and valued in general, there may be at least one person who for no good reason is dishonest or working against you. Open conflict is not going to help your case, this is more of a "kill them with kindness" situation. If looking for work, don't believe everything you hear. Love: When this card appears with regard to a committed relationship, you may find yourself feeling fear about the relationship. If so, examine it alone first. If you are looking for love, you may be fearing that you will never find love. This does not have to be the case - unless you make it the case. If you find yourself feeling that way, look at your self-esteem. Believe yourself worthy of being loved; because you are worthy. |
Finances: This is a time to be detailed and methodical with regard to money when the 6 of Wands appears reversed. Pay attention to bank statements, income and outgoings, receipts, and any other financial transaction. You may find the money you didn't know that you had.
Health: The reversed 5 of Wands can indicate that you are trying to deal with physical pain. If you are in pain, these are not signals to ignore or to let your healthcare practitioner ignore, even if there is no clear reason for the pain that has been found yet. Pain affects ones' quality of life if it is not relieved. A dietary change may help. Heat and massage are also often useful.