Seven of Pentacles or (Seven of Disks) Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Failure (Success Unfulfilled)
Lord of Failure (Success Unfulfilled)
Themes and Keywords: Little gain for much labor. Loss of motivation. Endurance through blight. Hard work and patience. Cross and nail. Low yields, crop failures,sterility. Inertia. Loss of promising future, projects not reaching fruition. Atonement for indiscretions. Repentance. Corrections needed: back to the drawing board.Necessary patience and humility.
Element: Earth Zodiac Signs : Taurus Healing Crystals : Amethyst, Bloodstone Seven of Pentacles Keywords
UPRIGHT: Long-term view, sustainable results, perseverance, investment. REVERSED: Lack of long-term vision, limited success or reward. Numerology7(seven)
Sevens are associated with Neptune: powerful mysteries, psychic insights, and introverted personalities. Kabbalistically, they are attributed to Venus and the power of love. Both correspondences combined to reinforce single-mindedness. |
It's clear that your hard work is paying off. Now you should ask yourself if there are more efficient ways to get the job done. The grey sky in the Seven of Pentacles Tarot card symbolizes constancy but also inflexibility. It shows that you don't see the need to change how you've been doing things.
The beggar on the left of the Six of Pentacles is wearing a citrine cloak, meaning that his needs are material. That’s why the merchant is giving him four coins – the exact amount he needs to get back on his feet.
Just like the worker in the Seven of Pentacles card, using simple tools gives you a sense of pride. When the blade is buried in the ground, his shovel looks like a staff. Staffs are well-known symbols of progress and authority. The shovel itself beautifully tells the story of how honest, hard work allows you to lead a simple life.
Now, look at the tired expression on the worker’s face and the grey, barren mountains behind him on the Seven of Pentacles Tarot card. As the mountains show, you are doing so much better now than you have in the past. You’re exhausted, but you are doing all right.
The beggar on the left of the Six of Pentacles is wearing a citrine cloak, meaning that his needs are material. That’s why the merchant is giving him four coins – the exact amount he needs to get back on his feet.
Just like the worker in the Seven of Pentacles card, using simple tools gives you a sense of pride. When the blade is buried in the ground, his shovel looks like a staff. Staffs are well-known symbols of progress and authority. The shovel itself beautifully tells the story of how honest, hard work allows you to lead a simple life.
Now, look at the tired expression on the worker’s face and the grey, barren mountains behind him on the Seven of Pentacles Tarot card. As the mountains show, you are doing so much better now than you have in the past. You’re exhausted, but you are doing all right.
The 7 of Pentacles is very often a card about returns on investments. This can be literal such as a bank account returning money to you or figuratively, such as the investments of time, effort, and energy that you have put into a relationship. You will be reaping what you have sown. This is generally positive.
In career matters, the Seven of Pentacles Tarot card suggests that you will need to learn new skills to advance in the company. Maybe you will have to take extra coursework to qualify for that promotion you have been wanting. If you have just been promoted to management, you will need to learn many new things and quickly.
In career matters, the Seven of Pentacles Tarot card suggests that you will need to learn new skills to advance in the company. Maybe you will have to take extra coursework to qualify for that promotion you have been wanting. If you have just been promoted to management, you will need to learn many new things and quickly.
General: In general, you should be feeling more secure than you have in a while. Things will be moving along well and you'll be feeling hopeful about the future - with good cause.
You may have to decide whether to put your energy into the things, people, and situations that you already are involved with or whether to spend your energy trying to bring more into your life. Choose wisely.
Work: Your work is likely to be going smoothly and you will be reaping the rewards of past efforts - what is happening now or in the immediate future will be a direct result of what you have done in the past.Your finances are likely to be flowing well - you may not be "rolling" in money but you will certainly have enough to get by and then some.
Love: With regard to love, the 7 of Pentacles points to things going well for the person that you have your heart set on. If you are not in a committed relationship, you need to be open to other possibilities, however.
None of us have just one person that is the only person that we can be with and have a deep, soulful, happy relationship. Don't give in to feelings of suspicion or fear. All is well.
Finances: This card is an excellent omen for finances. You are likely to have invested wisely, either in terms of traditional investments or in terms of your time and energy. This is not a time to gamble, however. Being conservative and thoughtful about where you put your resources is key.
Health: You are reaping the results of your past behavior. It's never too late to improve this, however. Today sows the seeds of your tomorrow, very often. Examine your belief system.
Do you see yourself as someone who is sick or someone who is filled with health? Even if you are stressed to the utmost regarding your time and energy, you can take two seconds out of your day to think positively.
You may have to decide whether to put your energy into the things, people, and situations that you already are involved with or whether to spend your energy trying to bring more into your life. Choose wisely.
Work: Your work is likely to be going smoothly and you will be reaping the rewards of past efforts - what is happening now or in the immediate future will be a direct result of what you have done in the past.Your finances are likely to be flowing well - you may not be "rolling" in money but you will certainly have enough to get by and then some.
Love: With regard to love, the 7 of Pentacles points to things going well for the person that you have your heart set on. If you are not in a committed relationship, you need to be open to other possibilities, however.
None of us have just one person that is the only person that we can be with and have a deep, soulful, happy relationship. Don't give in to feelings of suspicion or fear. All is well.
Finances: This card is an excellent omen for finances. You are likely to have invested wisely, either in terms of traditional investments or in terms of your time and energy. This is not a time to gamble, however. Being conservative and thoughtful about where you put your resources is key.
Health: You are reaping the results of your past behavior. It's never too late to improve this, however. Today sows the seeds of your tomorrow, very often. Examine your belief system.
Do you see yourself as someone who is sick or someone who is filled with health? Even if you are stressed to the utmost regarding your time and energy, you can take two seconds out of your day to think positively.
When reversed, this card warns you that you have been pushing yourself too hard for too long. If you don’t take some time to recharge your batteries, the universe may decide to pull the breaks for you.
The 7 of Pentacles, whether upright or reversed, is usually in some way about a "returns on investment." You are likely to find that you are to some degree getting back what you have given out in the past. General: The reversed 7 of Pentacles points to a need for you to get real clear, right now, about what success means to you and about what your goals will look like when they are met. This is not the time to allow your goals to be amorphous. If they are, you will never meet them. Be specific. Work: When you draw the reversed 7, you may be finding yourself feeling more and more dissatisfied with your current work. If that is the case, take the time and effort to figure out why this is, specifically. Be open-minded about things that can change in your current situation You may not need to leave your job. Think critically and charitably about others. Love: It's important when you get this card in reverse in the context of love, that you realize that no relationship and no person, is perfect. Neither are you, no matter how hard you try. If you are looking for love and continually coming up empty, consider the possibility that you have an unrealistic, idealized idea of what the "right" partner for you looks like.Real love goes well beyond superficial appearances. |
Finances: The reversed 7 of Pentacles is a signal that you should get precise and specific about your financial goals.
Health: When you draw this reversed card in the context of a health question, again it's important to look at what your goals are; and how you are defining health. Sometimes it's important to be broad, more often it's important to be precise.
Set a small, achievable goal for your health, such as walking 3,000 steps a day for a week. Then move your goal post higher. The point is progress, not perfection.
Set a small, achievable goal for your health, such as walking 3,000 steps a day for a week. Then move your goal post higher. The point is progress, not perfection.