Ace of Pentacles or (Ace of Disks) Tarot Card Meanings
Root of the Powers of Earth
Root of the Powers of Earth
Themes and Keywords: Creation. Embodiment. Sleep and awakening. Seeds. The start of something material. Taking action. Body and Spirit conjoined. Material opportunities. Incipient resources. Incarnation and becoming. Seed money.
Element: Earth Zodiac Signs : Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo Healing Crystals : Amethyst, Bloodstone, Emerald Ace of Pentacles Keywords
UPRIGHT: A new financial or career opportunity, manifestation, abundance REVERSED: Lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight Numerology1(one)
The Ace is the first card in the Suit of Pentacles. In the Minor Arcana, the Number 1 represents the first impulse or motion of the element of earth. Here, it is the seed or foundation of all things related to material existence and the joy we receive from it. |
The upper portion of the Ace of Pentacles card is dominated by white and yellow. White symbolizes the pure spirit and Yellow, spirituality as it can be understood by the human mind. Yellow also most closely resembles gold, representing material success.
The hand reaching out of the cloud presents a divine gift, the pentacle. As a coin, it is a well-known sign of wealth. The symbolism of the pentacle explains how this wealth is acquired.
A pentacle visually expresses a person’s understanding of the universe. The pentagram with which it is inscribed represents the Four Elements governed by spirit.
The lilies in the garden below symbolize sacred devotion. A path leads through an oval gate, reminiscent of the wreath in The World, to higher knowledge, shown here as mountains in the distance. The hedge of roses signifies a moral code that will allow you to walk this spiritual path.
The hand reaching out of the cloud presents a divine gift, the pentacle. As a coin, it is a well-known sign of wealth. The symbolism of the pentacle explains how this wealth is acquired.
A pentacle visually expresses a person’s understanding of the universe. The pentagram with which it is inscribed represents the Four Elements governed by spirit.
The lilies in the garden below symbolize sacred devotion. A path leads through an oval gate, reminiscent of the wreath in The World, to higher knowledge, shown here as mountains in the distance. The hedge of roses signifies a moral code that will allow you to walk this spiritual path.
The Ace of Pentacles represents both, a gift and an opportunity. Even better, it is also a set of basic instructions on how to make the most out of this opportunity. While its long term benefits ultimately lead to spiritual fulfilment, the immediate benefits concern your material well-being.
The Ace of Pentacles Tarot card suggests that better days are ahead and that the divine source will accomplish this by putting first things first. The Ace of Pentacles Tarot card may present an actual gift of money, combined with a commitment to using it wisely.
Upright, the Ace of Pentacles Tarot card may also announce a new job providing you with enough financial stability to focus your goals on more ambitious pursuits. The Ace of Pentacles is likely to find you enjoying a new beginning on several levels and this is a very positive new beginning.
Your health and vitality are likely to be at a high point. The appearance of this card is usually the sign of a turn for the better in terms of fortune and wealth and sometimes it can even indicate gifts of money or inheritance from unexpected sources but it certainly doesn't mean that someone has to pass over for you to receive this inheritance.
The Ace of Pentacles Tarot card suggests that better days are ahead and that the divine source will accomplish this by putting first things first. The Ace of Pentacles Tarot card may present an actual gift of money, combined with a commitment to using it wisely.
Upright, the Ace of Pentacles Tarot card may also announce a new job providing you with enough financial stability to focus your goals on more ambitious pursuits. The Ace of Pentacles is likely to find you enjoying a new beginning on several levels and this is a very positive new beginning.
Your health and vitality are likely to be at a high point. The appearance of this card is usually the sign of a turn for the better in terms of fortune and wealth and sometimes it can even indicate gifts of money or inheritance from unexpected sources but it certainly doesn't mean that someone has to pass over for you to receive this inheritance.
General: You are likely to be feeling optimistic, upbeat and hopeful about your future. Things should be going well, in general. You could well be starting something new very soon, this could be in the realm of work or personally, but either way, it's a good thing.
Work: You may be moving to a new position or a new set of responsibilities. If you're wondering whether or not to leave your current position, this card is an encouraging one to see. This new position may happen whether you are looking for it or not. Either way, this is good news.
Love: If you are currently in a committed relationship, it may well rise to new and better heights soon. You will reconnect. If you're looking for love, this is a very positive time to get out and meet people, something new could start that is very promising in terms of love.
Finances: Money is looking to be much more available for you when the Ace of Pentacles appears. You are likely to be able to pay off debts and there will even be an ability to share your wealth with those less fortunate than you. This is not a time to spend everything you get, however. Plan for a rainy day.
Health: This is a great time to try a new health care approach, especially preventative care. Exercise, eating well and making sure that you get enough sleep are all common-sense approaches that you can revisit now with great success.
You may stumble across health information that is very helpful. Don't hesitate to try a new healer or to seek a second opinion now, if you need that. Health looks promising.
Work: You may be moving to a new position or a new set of responsibilities. If you're wondering whether or not to leave your current position, this card is an encouraging one to see. This new position may happen whether you are looking for it or not. Either way, this is good news.
Love: If you are currently in a committed relationship, it may well rise to new and better heights soon. You will reconnect. If you're looking for love, this is a very positive time to get out and meet people, something new could start that is very promising in terms of love.
Finances: Money is looking to be much more available for you when the Ace of Pentacles appears. You are likely to be able to pay off debts and there will even be an ability to share your wealth with those less fortunate than you. This is not a time to spend everything you get, however. Plan for a rainy day.
Health: This is a great time to try a new health care approach, especially preventative care. Exercise, eating well and making sure that you get enough sleep are all common-sense approaches that you can revisit now with great success.
You may stumble across health information that is very helpful. Don't hesitate to try a new healer or to seek a second opinion now, if you need that. Health looks promising.
When the Ace of Pentacles Tarot card presents itself inverted in a Tarot reading, it is to remind us that divine gifts are given unconditionally.
The challenge is to use them wisely. When reversed, the Ace of Pentacles Tarot card points out an imbalance in the way you are using your resources. Note that when the card is reversed, the pentagram is also inverted. When it is upright, the Four Elements – Earth, Water, Fire and Air – are governed by Spirit, the divine intelligence. However, when inverted, the other elements overrule its benevolent guidance. The reversed Ace of Pentacles can indicate that you are worrying too much about money. Yes, we all need to pay attention to our finances, but to be overly concerned can steal our capacity for happiness in the present moment. Count your blessings. Do what you can and leave the rest to the universe. General: The time may be approaching that will call you to go out into the world in a different and bigger way to make a living. Don't avoid this, just do it. You will do fine. Don't let yourself get mired in jealousy about other people's finances. Work: When you draw the reversed Ace of Pentacles, you may need to consider asking for more responsibility at work or a promotion. If you're thinking about leaving your current position, this card tells you that leaving is likely to be a very good thing. All in all, the reversed Ace says good things are (or will soon be) happening on the work front. Love: The reversed Ace carries a warning to look out for possible issues of greed and jealousy if you are currently in a committed relationship. Don't compare yourselves to each other, be a team. If you are looking for love, this is a clear signal that the time may be drawing near that you could meet someone wonderful, either through your work or theirs. Be friendly and get out and mingle. |
Finances: When the reversed Ace of Pentacles appears, it's important that you don't allow yourself to think too negatively about money. Yes, other people have more, but your finances are generally stable and are going to stay stable when this card appears. Think positively and make the best of what you have.
Health: You don't have to spend a fortune to get and stay healthy. Simple things help support your health and many things are under your direct control, such as thinking positively, eating well, resting, getting exercise and so on.