Three of Pentacles or (Three of Disks) Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Work(s) (Material Works)
Lord of Work(s) (Material Works)
Themes and Keywords: Evolutionary striving. Building up something material.Aspiration and growth. Energy to create. Construction and production over time.Unstoppable energy awakens, building blocks of form. Cell division and multiplication. Collaboration.
Element: Earth Zodiac Signs : Capricorn Healing Crystals : Amethyst, Bloodstone Three of Pentacles Keywords
UPRIGHT: Teamwork, collaboration, learning, implementation. REVERSED: Disharmony, misalignment, working alone. Numerology3(three)
In traditional Numerology, the Number 3 corresponds to Jupiter, symbolizing generosity and prosperity. On the Kabbalistic Tree of life, it is associated with the feminine aspect of deity, shaping and giving birth to a powerful, but the undefined impulse to create. In the suit of Pentacles, this creative process manifests itself in a way that can be experienced with our physical senses. |
In the Three of Pentacles card, we cannot see what image the sculptor is carving here. The blueprint in the nun’s hand is not much help, either. From our perspective, the image is much too sketchy to convey even the hint of an idea. This shows us that the love of work is not only a gateway to the inner mysteries, it is a powerful mystery itself..
The human figures in the Three of Pentacles Tarot card are framed by three gothic arches. In the Middle Age, gothic architecture made it possible to construct the tallest and sturdiest buildings of the time.
The pentacles is the Three of Pentacles are arranged in an equal-armed triangle, representing the divine spark with its male and female aspects. The centre point is a Celtic cross, a symbol of divinity and perfect balance. It also marks the centre of the rose below, showing that passion and spirituality go hand in hand.
The monk in the Three of Pentacles represents the urge to create something beautiful, but it is the nun in her red cloak who is shaping this urge into a form that can be implemented as a physical work of art: She is the architect.
The human figures in the Three of Pentacles Tarot card are framed by three gothic arches. In the Middle Age, gothic architecture made it possible to construct the tallest and sturdiest buildings of the time.
The pentacles is the Three of Pentacles are arranged in an equal-armed triangle, representing the divine spark with its male and female aspects. The centre point is a Celtic cross, a symbol of divinity and perfect balance. It also marks the centre of the rose below, showing that passion and spirituality go hand in hand.
The monk in the Three of Pentacles represents the urge to create something beautiful, but it is the nun in her red cloak who is shaping this urge into a form that can be implemented as a physical work of art: She is the architect.
When The Three of Pentacles card presents itself in a Tarot reading, it’s a beautiful omen that your life is about to enter a self-sustaining rhythm, in which vision, passion, and work energize one another. If you are currently seeking employment, this card spells good news; something wonderful is headed your way.
While this job will meet your economic needs, the joy it brings you will outweigh its material benefits. If you are already employed, your superiors have been watching your progress. They are happy with your performance and more importantly, your attitude: a perfect combination of cheerfulness and productivity – and they are determined to reward it. An exciting new project may come your way soon. Perhaps you’re even slated for promotion.
Your sense of dedication and genuine pride in your work inspires others and rather than looking at you with envy, they strive to follow your example. They wonder what your secret is. The good news is that in time, they will discover it on their own. The 3 of Pentacles is a very positive card, particularly with regard to work and career questions, but it's a good overall omen that you are in general, doing well.
While this job will meet your economic needs, the joy it brings you will outweigh its material benefits. If you are already employed, your superiors have been watching your progress. They are happy with your performance and more importantly, your attitude: a perfect combination of cheerfulness and productivity – and they are determined to reward it. An exciting new project may come your way soon. Perhaps you’re even slated for promotion.
Your sense of dedication and genuine pride in your work inspires others and rather than looking at you with envy, they strive to follow your example. They wonder what your secret is. The good news is that in time, they will discover it on their own. The 3 of Pentacles is a very positive card, particularly with regard to work and career questions, but it's a good overall omen that you are in general, doing well.
General: The 3 of Pentacles tells you that the people around you appreciate you and your efforts and notice the quality of what you do. The Three tells you to keep doing what you're doing as you are on the right track.
Work: This is an extremely positive omen with regard to work and career questions. It tells you that your work is appreciated and generally well regarded, which is always a good place to find yourself. Similarly, if you are seeking employment, this card hints that you can expect success fairly quickly.
Love: In a love question, the 3 of Pentacles is a good omen. Particularly, if you already know someone that you are interested in, this tells you that they see you in a positive light, as someone who has the qualities that they are looking for, although love has not quite developed yet.
So there is a need for patience. If you're unattached but looking for love, this card indicates that you are likely to meet someone through your work or through theirs. Keep your eyes open.
Finances: The 3 of Pentacles is a very good omen with regard to money; it can mean that your proverbial "ship is coming in," though it carries with it the clear caveat that you still must do your part.This is not a card about windfalls, it's a card about fair remuneration for the work that you have done and the quality of it.
Health: Your health is likely to show a positive increase, but this is not a result of a miracle, it's the result of the work that you've been doing to improve your health. This card shows that you are on the right track; keep doing what you are doing.
Work: This is an extremely positive omen with regard to work and career questions. It tells you that your work is appreciated and generally well regarded, which is always a good place to find yourself. Similarly, if you are seeking employment, this card hints that you can expect success fairly quickly.
Love: In a love question, the 3 of Pentacles is a good omen. Particularly, if you already know someone that you are interested in, this tells you that they see you in a positive light, as someone who has the qualities that they are looking for, although love has not quite developed yet.
So there is a need for patience. If you're unattached but looking for love, this card indicates that you are likely to meet someone through your work or through theirs. Keep your eyes open.
Finances: The 3 of Pentacles is a very good omen with regard to money; it can mean that your proverbial "ship is coming in," though it carries with it the clear caveat that you still must do your part.This is not a card about windfalls, it's a card about fair remuneration for the work that you have done and the quality of it.
Health: Your health is likely to show a positive increase, but this is not a result of a miracle, it's the result of the work that you've been doing to improve your health. This card shows that you are on the right track; keep doing what you are doing.
When reversed, the Three of Pentacles Tarot card warns that the interplay of work, passion, and vision is disrupted.The reasons for this could be within you or in your environment.
The situation in question may involve the workplace, but the problems suggested in this card can apply to any scenario requiring social interaction. The reversed 3 of Pentacles is generally a positive card, particularly with regard to work and career questions, but it carries the warning that this is not the time to allow yourself to slack off. General: Work is very much a focus when the 3 of Pentacles reversed is in the picture. It's an important time to give your best, not settle for the simplest solution. If you do, you are likely to find yourself with much success. Work: Provided you don't suddenly start producing lousy or inferior work, you should find that you are more successful in the "marketplace" when the reversed 3 of Pentacles is in the spread. Do not allow yourself to give in to any feelings of jealousy or pettiness. Take the higher road. Love: In a love question, the reversed 3 of Pentacles is a good omen. If you are looking to add to your family, this is a time when fertility can be higher than usual. If you're looking for love, this is a good time to meet people (particularly through your work) however, beware a tendency to be overly subservient or to behave as though you are "less than" the potential love partners you are meeting. |
Finances: Money should be going well (or be about to go well for you ) when the reversed 3 of Pentacles is part of your spread. However, you need to not just expect "pennies from heaven."
How well you do financially will be in direct proportion to how hard you have worked and how much you have tried. Don't grovel, but do ask for what you deserve.
How well you do financially will be in direct proportion to how hard you have worked and how much you have tried. Don't grovel, but do ask for what you deserve.
Health: When it comes to your health, you should be cautious about overdoing things. Moderation is the key when the reversed 3 of Pentacles appears. Trust your instincts.If you are feeling weak, rest. If you think you need to be seen by a doctor, then don't hesitate. You may be overly tired when this card appears in Reverse.