Devil Tarot Card Meanings
The Lord of the Gates of Matter,The Child of the Forces of Time
The Lord of the Gates of Matter,The Child of the Forces of Time
Card Number: XV
Sign and Dignities: Capricorn, cardinal earth. Ruler Saturn, Mars exalted; Motto:“I use” Hebrew Letter: ayin Hebrew Letter Meaning: Simple letter: Eye (Mirth); Value: 70 Path 26: Tiphareth (6, Beauty—Sun) to Hod (8, Splendor—Mercury) Color Scales in the Four Worlds: Indigo. Black. Blue-black. Cold, very dark gray Themes and Keywords: Unlived potential. What draws soul to rebirth. Time. Forbidden knowledge. Temptation. Knowledge = power. Climbing. Shadows and light. The eye as mirror of the soul. Mind over matter. Matter over Spirit. Blind impulse. Unstoppable growth. Sex. Material mastery. Hidden structures of matter. Lust of result. Natural vigor. Healing Crystals : Hematite, Onyx Devil Keywords
UPRIGHT: Shadow self, attachment, addiction, restriction, sexuality REVERSED: Releasing limiting beliefs, exploring dark thoughts, detachment Numerology 15(fifteen)
The Devil is the fifteenth Major Arcanum. 1, the number of the solar consciousness and image of the divine source, combines with 5, the number of Mercury and pure intellect. Added together, they make the Number 6, associated with Venus and physical love. |
The Devil Tarot card does not represent the devil as an actual being, but our illusions and misconceptions – especially those that distract us from our spiritual journey. Instead of drawing in the limitless, eternal light from the divine source, the artificial light of the torch held by the devil of the Devil Tarot may be dazzling, but it is temporary and it only lets you see what the torchbearer allows you to see.
In the Devil Tarot card, the grouping of the figures refers to another Tarot trump, the Lovers, which leads from the solar consciousness to the feminine aspect of deity. But the grey, lead coloured bat wings here on the Devil card are too heavy to lift your consciousness to those spiritual regions.
Illusion has blurred your vision. That’s why in the Devil Tarot card the humanlike figures below look quite satisfied. They’re not struggling against the chains holding them to the altar. They can take them off any time they want.
In the Devil Tarot card, the grouping of the figures refers to another Tarot trump, the Lovers, which leads from the solar consciousness to the feminine aspect of deity. But the grey, lead coloured bat wings here on the Devil card are too heavy to lift your consciousness to those spiritual regions.
Illusion has blurred your vision. That’s why in the Devil Tarot card the humanlike figures below look quite satisfied. They’re not struggling against the chains holding them to the altar. They can take them off any time they want.
The Devil Tarot card represents attachment to temporary pleasures and illusion. You think of all the others still stumbling around in the dark. And it feels great. As far as you can see, you have figured it all out. What you don’t know is that the most important piece of the puzzle is still missing. And there is the rub.
The Devil is not as frightening a card to interpret as the depiction on most cards indicates. It is a card about bondage but often this bondage is metaphoric and internal. You also are asked to remember that when you're feeling restrained you nearly always hold the keys to your own freedom. Don't give up hope.
The Devil is not as frightening a card to interpret as the depiction on most cards indicates. It is a card about bondage but often this bondage is metaphoric and internal. You also are asked to remember that when you're feeling restrained you nearly always hold the keys to your own freedom. Don't give up hope.
General: It's important for you to remember that no matter what your situation, that you always have options to choose from. First things first, don't let other people tell you that your options are limited. If you come to that conclusion, be sure that you are coming to it on your own. Regardless, it will be crucial to remember that you can free yourself from whatever restrictions are holding you back.
Work: You may very well feel trapped in a job that you detest but can't see your way clear to leave because of the security. If you choose to stay where you are; be aware that this is a choice that you are making, nothing has been foisted upon you.
Love: If you're in a long-term romantic relationship, one or both parties may have gotten to the point where they feel as though they are trapped in the situation. If you're getting signals that this is the case, try to talk about it, if you want to save the relationship. If you're seeking love, this may be a signal that you're reaching the point of desperation, an attitude that definitely drives off would-be lovers.
Finances: Things may be or may get very tight in the near future. Try not to resent the situation, but to deal calmly and rationally with it. Take one step at a time. If you need financial help, don't be afraid or too proud to ask for it. Help is always available. If you're feeling flush right now, this is still a time that calls for financial restraint.
Health: This is a time that you need to watch out for being overworked, overtired and overstressed. Exercise will help, as will anything that helps you focus on the problems faced by others rather than on your own problems. If you are dealing with a chronic health condition, don't let it aggravate.
Work: You may very well feel trapped in a job that you detest but can't see your way clear to leave because of the security. If you choose to stay where you are; be aware that this is a choice that you are making, nothing has been foisted upon you.
Love: If you're in a long-term romantic relationship, one or both parties may have gotten to the point where they feel as though they are trapped in the situation. If you're getting signals that this is the case, try to talk about it, if you want to save the relationship. If you're seeking love, this may be a signal that you're reaching the point of desperation, an attitude that definitely drives off would-be lovers.
Finances: Things may be or may get very tight in the near future. Try not to resent the situation, but to deal calmly and rationally with it. Take one step at a time. If you need financial help, don't be afraid or too proud to ask for it. Help is always available. If you're feeling flush right now, this is still a time that calls for financial restraint.
Health: This is a time that you need to watch out for being overworked, overtired and overstressed. Exercise will help, as will anything that helps you focus on the problems faced by others rather than on your own problems. If you are dealing with a chronic health condition, don't let it aggravate.
The Devil card reversed describes a process of liberation, like The Tower card. But instead of a cosmic lightning bolt that sends everything crashing to the ground, the Devil card represents a gradual process of waking up – a much gentler experience.
Especially reversed, the Devil is not as frightening a card to interpret as the depiction on most cards might seem to indicate. When reversed, the card reminds us that any situation that may seem to be trapping us is an illusion; we always have options, help is always available. General: When the Devil is reversed, it’s a hint to look deeper at a situation and not necessarily to “go with” the surface appearance. Things may not be nearly as bad as they seem. Especially when reversed, we are reminded to stay clear on the fact that life can turn on a dime, and sometimes those “turns” are very positive. You may be feeling as though you are out of control right now, even when this card appears in reverse. Work: This is an important time to realize when you draw the devil reversed that any job that claims to be “permanent” and secure in this day and age is unfortunately unlikely to be so secure forever. You are not trapped unless you allow yourself to be trapped. There are always options of one sort or another. Love: The Devil reversed can be a friendly indication that trouble could be vaguely brewing if you are in a long-term romantic relationship. One or both of you may begin to feel trapped in the situation. The time will be coming soon where you may need to try to talk about it if you want to save the relationship. The reversed meaning of this card is less troubling with regard to a long-term romantic relationship than the upright card. If you’re seeking love and you draw this card, give some consideration as to whether or how much you may be feeling “trapped” in singlehood. |
Finances: As with the upright meaning, the Devil reversed indicates that things may be or get very tight financially in the near future. It will be important to try not to resent the situation, but to deal calmly and rationally with it.
Take things one step at a time. Whatever your situation, it is a safe bet that it will not be permanent. If you need financial help, don’t be afraid or too proud to ask for it.
Take things one step at a time. Whatever your situation, it is a safe bet that it will not be permanent. If you need financial help, don’t be afraid or too proud to ask for it.
Health: The potential stress levels indicated by the upright Devil are not quite as serious when the card is drawn in reverse. Even so, this is a time that you need to watch out for being overworked, overtired, and over-stressed. Exercise will help, as will anything that draws you “out of yourself” rather than staying focused on your own problems.