Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings
The Prince of the Chariot of Fire;
Prince and Emperor of the Salamanders
The Prince of the Chariot of Fire;
Prince and Emperor of the Salamanders
Themes and Keywords: Reason directs the will after feelings. Product of fire’s force and form. Dramatic entrances. Royal and regal. Wins in the long run. Fame and fortune, quests for glory. Pride and kingship, generosity and ego. Striving for victory, luxury, and achievement. Heart and backbone. Love of the spotlight. Performative charisma.
Element: Fire Zodiac Signs : Aries, Leo & Sagittarius Healing Crystals : Carnelian Knight of Wands Keywords
UPRIGHT: Energy, passion, inspired action, adventure, impulsiveness REVERSED: Passion project, haste, scattered energy, delays, frustration Numerology6(six)
All Knights are associated with the number 6. Kabbalistically, sixes correspond to the energizing and life-giving qualities of the Sun. In traditional Numerology, 6 is associated with passionate Venus and the power of love. These energies combine in this card to express the motivation and endurance to accomplish great things. |
Just look at the blazing plume of lion hair on the helmet and the flames shooting from the arm of the Knight with which he holds his horse’s reins.
The Knight’s yellow tabard represents the intellectual prowess and swiftness of air. It is embroidered with salamanders, representing his fiery energy. As the air aspect of fire, this card combines power and speed.
In the Knight of Wands, the clear sky above shows clarity and understanding. The ground below is clear of obstacles. The horse symbolizes his raw power. It is charging forward with the same force of will as that of the rider.
The three pyramids in the distance show that his quest could well be a spiritual one. A ruler must also inspire others. For this, he needs charisma.
The short wand in his right-hand expresses his vitality and creativity. No, it’s not much of a weapon, but as the open visor shows, this Knight is not on a mission of the war.
The Knight’s yellow tabard represents the intellectual prowess and swiftness of air. It is embroidered with salamanders, representing his fiery energy. As the air aspect of fire, this card combines power and speed.
In the Knight of Wands, the clear sky above shows clarity and understanding. The ground below is clear of obstacles. The horse symbolizes his raw power. It is charging forward with the same force of will as that of the rider.
The three pyramids in the distance show that his quest could well be a spiritual one. A ruler must also inspire others. For this, he needs charisma.
The short wand in his right-hand expresses his vitality and creativity. No, it’s not much of a weapon, but as the open visor shows, this Knight is not on a mission of the war.
When the Knight of Wands Tarot card presents itself upright in a Tarot reading, it’s a sign that the road is clear, you know exactly where you’re headed and you can trust your instincts implicitly. Even better, you’re feeling energized.
Everyone can see that you have what it takes to go the distance. A problem that’s been puzzling you for some time is now making perfect sense. This newfound clarity is re-energizing you, giving you the proper motivation to accomplish your goals.
When the Knight of Wands appears, this is a great time for travel if you can manage to getaway. You should be feeling charged up, full of energy, and ready to get things done. Your self-confidence is likely to be increasing and this should help you towards your goals.
Everyone can see that you have what it takes to go the distance. A problem that’s been puzzling you for some time is now making perfect sense. This newfound clarity is re-energizing you, giving you the proper motivation to accomplish your goals.
When the Knight of Wands appears, this is a great time for travel if you can manage to getaway. You should be feeling charged up, full of energy, and ready to get things done. Your self-confidence is likely to be increasing and this should help you towards your goals.
General: Knights are often message bearers and in the Wands suit, the messages are likely to be positive and related to work or career. Your projects are likely to be/ have been more successful than you would have expected or predicted. You have a lot of reasons to feel pride. Savor it.
Work: You may be asked to travel in connection with your job - this should go well and have at least some enjoyable moments. The work news is good. If you're waiting on results from an interview, you are likely to find that you got the position.
Love: You may meet someone new through your work. This new person is likely to have hair on the lighter end of the spectrum. If you're already committed, be sure that your communication is as clear as it can be. Make a point to make time to just talk to each other. This will improve your feelings of closeness substantially.
Finances: Money should be flowing more easily during this time. (i.e. your finances should be going well.) Even so, be sure to save at least a little. Cut expenses where you can.
Health: Your health situation is likely to be good, but be careful when exercising, the Knight can sometimes indicate minor injuries or sprains. If you're in the process of healing from an injury, don't overdo it or you could end up in worse shape than you were in when you were originally injured. Slow and steady wins the race.
Work: You may be asked to travel in connection with your job - this should go well and have at least some enjoyable moments. The work news is good. If you're waiting on results from an interview, you are likely to find that you got the position.
Love: You may meet someone new through your work. This new person is likely to have hair on the lighter end of the spectrum. If you're already committed, be sure that your communication is as clear as it can be. Make a point to make time to just talk to each other. This will improve your feelings of closeness substantially.
Finances: Money should be flowing more easily during this time. (i.e. your finances should be going well.) Even so, be sure to save at least a little. Cut expenses where you can.
Health: Your health situation is likely to be good, but be careful when exercising, the Knight can sometimes indicate minor injuries or sprains. If you're in the process of healing from an injury, don't overdo it or you could end up in worse shape than you were in when you were originally injured. Slow and steady wins the race.
The reversed Knight of Wands Tarot card isn’t good at dealing with opposition or interruptions. They confuse him. His single-mindedness allows him to do amazing things when everything is going as planned.
But his brain can’t wrap itself around the idea that things don’t always do. Even minor complications can cause him to lose heart or lash out in anger. The Knight’s restless nature can also lead him to stir up trouble, just so he can prove himself to others –like a bored teenager. The reversed Knight of Wands, though it can sometimes indicate some sort of setback or delay, is still a very positive and upbeat card. It can sometimes indicate a person in your life, usually a relatively cheerful, good-hearted, energetic man with hair on the lighter end of the spectrum. He is trustworthy, in general. General: Knights are often a sign that you are about to get a message, whether they show up in a reading reversed or upright. Unfortunately though, if you are using the reversals for interpretation, the Knight of Wands in reverse can signify that the message will be along the lines of "There will be a delay, you will have to wait."If so, try to wait patiently. This Knight means what he says. Work: There may be some sort of interruption with work. For example, you may be pulled away from the work you prefer to attend some sort of training or meeting. Or the building you work in may literally be shut down for a few days. Try to take this with as good an attitude as you can muster. If you are looking for work, hiring decisions may be delayed. Don't worry too much - it won't help. Love: The Knight of Wands reversed can indicate stress and minor arguments in an existing relationship. Try to get to the bottom of what is really happening. If you are looking for love, it's possible that you think you may have found "the one" and a permanent commitment may even come about. Be as sure as it is possible to be that you know what you are getting into before you "tie the knot." You could be rushing things. |
Finances: There are sometimes arguments and disagreements over money when the Knight of Wands appears reversed. Keep your head, take things one step at a time and do some soul searching about money. People often have issues and attachments to money which are not what they seem to be on the surface. This is definitely not a time to gamble.
Health: This is not a time to overdo it with regard to exercise or new health regimens. Yes, you must support your health, but you don't want to sabotage yourself by going overboard. Be honest with and get advice from medical professionals that you trust before undertaking a new, strict regimen, whether that's with diet, exercise, or simply with taking several new supplements.