Six of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Science (Earned Success)
Lord of Science (Earned Success)
Themes and Keywords: Innovation and ingenuity. Seeking ideals. Movement and working toward betterment. Navigation. Invention. Evolution and goals. Problem solving.
Element: Air Zodiac Signs : Aquarius Healing Crystals : Clear Quartz Six of Swords Keywords
UPRIGHT: Transition, change, rite of passage, releasing baggage. REVERSED: Personal transition, resistance to change, unfinished business Numerology6(six)
Kabbalistically, sixes correspond to the Sun and its promise of a higher, spiritual life. In traditional Numerology, 6 corresponds to the emotional currents of Venus. The number 6 also merges the above with the below. Here, intuition is merged with the understanding of the spirit. |
You’ll notice that the water at the bottom of the Six of Swords Tarot card is turbulent but calm on the other side of the boat.
The swords in this card are pointing down, meaning they are at rest. This gives the passengers in the Six of Swords, mourning and hopeful aspects of your psyche, some much-needed time to reflect.
Right now, there is no point in worrying about it. Just let the ferryman do his job. He’ll get you there safely and you’ll arrive when the time is right.
Those lands on the far shore of the Six of Swords are of the same blue and grey as that of the water and sky. These colours represent the activity of your subconscious mind and a higher, perhaps spiritual understanding.
The swords in this card are pointing down, meaning they are at rest. This gives the passengers in the Six of Swords, mourning and hopeful aspects of your psyche, some much-needed time to reflect.
Right now, there is no point in worrying about it. Just let the ferryman do his job. He’ll get you there safely and you’ll arrive when the time is right.
Those lands on the far shore of the Six of Swords are of the same blue and grey as that of the water and sky. These colours represent the activity of your subconscious mind and a higher, perhaps spiritual understanding.
The Six of Swords Tarot card is that wonderful moment when you’ve stopped spinning your wheels. As you’re coasting, you notice a strange thing: The world keeps turning, anyway. In fact, you’re making more progress than you think, even though it feels like you aren’t doing anything, at all. That’s because you’ve already done the necessary work.
The swords are at rest. Their tips are buried in the bottom of the boat. Pulling them out to inspect them for rust damage could sink it. The time for that may come, but for now, you need to be patient.
In the Six of Swords, see how there are four swords on one side of the boat and two on the other? In the Suit of Swords, the 2 and 4 are about balance and reflection. Achieving it was hard work at first, but it became easier with practice.
The Six of Swords also suggests intellectual growth. This is the process in which all the pieces fall into place. When the 6 of Swords appears, this is a great time for travel of any sort.
The swords are at rest. Their tips are buried in the bottom of the boat. Pulling them out to inspect them for rust damage could sink it. The time for that may come, but for now, you need to be patient.
In the Six of Swords, see how there are four swords on one side of the boat and two on the other? In the Suit of Swords, the 2 and 4 are about balance and reflection. Achieving it was hard work at first, but it became easier with practice.
The Six of Swords also suggests intellectual growth. This is the process in which all the pieces fall into place. When the 6 of Swords appears, this is a great time for travel of any sort.
General: Generally the 6 shows at least a slight reduction in stress and strain. Things may not be perfect, but they are going to be better than they may have been in the recent past.
Take this time to get your head above water and decide where you're going from here. Even a short break or change of scenario will be helpful. This doesn't have to cost money.
Work: You may make the decision or be in the process of leaving a job that no longer works for you. Trust that the universe is taking you to where you want to be and that all this is happening for a reason.
Don't hesitate to ask for help or to seek new information as you are getting your bearings in your new environment. The 6 can also point to a literal change in the place where you do business.
Love: In the context of love, the 6 of Swords can depict the need for a change of scenario. If you are already in a relationship, take your beloved on a trip, even if it's just down the street for a picnic or something of the sort.
If you're looking for love, this card points to a need to get out of your routines and your usual haunts if you want to meet someone new.
Finances: The appearance of the 6 of Swords can literally mean that your financial tide is turning; for the better, if you've been struggling, or for the worse, if you've been "riding high" for some time.
If it's the former, you might treat yourself to something small but don't get carried away, use your influx of money wisely. If it's the latter, batten down the hatches. Now is not the time to gamble, in either situation.
Health: If you are dealing with a health problem, your usual health care practitioner may not be the best one to help you. If you can do so, look into clinics and treatments outside your local area. Barring a serious health problem, this card can show that what you truly need most of all is a vacation or a change of place.
Take this time to get your head above water and decide where you're going from here. Even a short break or change of scenario will be helpful. This doesn't have to cost money.
Work: You may make the decision or be in the process of leaving a job that no longer works for you. Trust that the universe is taking you to where you want to be and that all this is happening for a reason.
Don't hesitate to ask for help or to seek new information as you are getting your bearings in your new environment. The 6 can also point to a literal change in the place where you do business.
Love: In the context of love, the 6 of Swords can depict the need for a change of scenario. If you are already in a relationship, take your beloved on a trip, even if it's just down the street for a picnic or something of the sort.
If you're looking for love, this card points to a need to get out of your routines and your usual haunts if you want to meet someone new.
Finances: The appearance of the 6 of Swords can literally mean that your financial tide is turning; for the better, if you've been struggling, or for the worse, if you've been "riding high" for some time.
If it's the former, you might treat yourself to something small but don't get carried away, use your influx of money wisely. If it's the latter, batten down the hatches. Now is not the time to gamble, in either situation.
Health: If you are dealing with a health problem, your usual health care practitioner may not be the best one to help you. If you can do so, look into clinics and treatments outside your local area. Barring a serious health problem, this card can show that what you truly need most of all is a vacation or a change of place.
When reversed, the Six of Swords Tarot card points out that your emotional balance has been upset. Maybe you feel insecure about the direction your life is taking.
The Six of Swords Tarot card may warn you that it may be too soon to do the heavy lifting if you’re recovering from past trauma. Get your strength back before you open up old wounds. It may even be better to leave the past behind completely. When the 6 of Swords reversed appears, you may be ready to speak out about things you feel strongly about. However, communication, in general, can be difficult now. Think before you speak. General: Generally, the reversed 6 of Swords shows that you may well make some new discoveries and decisions; and you may have some important information that you wish to share. However, the way in which you communicate is at least as important as what it is that you have to say. Work: This is an energy under which simple mistakes can cause major problems at work. Be especially careful with important documents and correspondence; make sure your work is backed up and carefully stored. If you are looking for work, you may feel as though you are "on your own," in your quest. That's not such a bad thing - allow yourself to look for work in places no one else might suggest or consider. Love: In the context of love, the 6 of Swords reversed can show that you are about to confront some necessary issues in order for your relationship to move forward. This does not have to involve fights or arguments if you communicate calmly and well. This is not a time to hold things in, however, again, think before you start spouting things off. You could cause enormous damage if you are not thinking about how you "speak your piece." |
Finances: This card can indicate that you're feeling a bit at a loss when it comes to finances. You may not feel that you have enough money to meet your needs and you may not know where to begin in order to get these needs met. This is not a time to make risky investments; watch where you put your trust.
Health: With the reversed 6 of Swords, something in your life may be out of balance and this can be causing health challenges. Give some thought to where this imbalance may lie.
Are you eating too much? Not enough? Not getting enough exercise? Correct the imbalance and you'll find yourself feeling better, perhaps more so than you have for years.
Are you eating too much? Not enough? Not getting enough exercise? Correct the imbalance and you'll find yourself feeling better, perhaps more so than you have for years.