Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Strength
Lord of Strength
Themes: Power in flexibility. Regaining health. The “green fuse” or force of nature.Aspiration. Flowing with change. Aim and release. Balance. The middle path.Rallying the will. Align mind and body with intention. Resilience. Tensile strength.
Element: Fire Zodiac Signs : Aries, Leo & Sagittarius Healing Crystals : Carnelian Nine of Wands Keywords
UPRIGHT: Resilience, courage, persistence, test of faith, boundaries REVERSED: Inner resources, struggle, overwhelm, defensive, paranoia Numerology9(nine)
Kabbalistically, nines are associated with the moon and its inexhaustible creativity. In traditional Numerology, 9 corresponds to feisty Mars. These energies combine in the Suit of Wands to tell the world it hasn’t seen the last of you. |
This warrior has been in a few scrapes, but it’s clear from the grim determination in his eyes that there’s still a lot of fight left in him. He’s leaning on his staff because he’s a little winded.
But the fire is still burning inside him. So he wants to have another go. The staffs resemble a palisade, a defensive structure. This suggests that he is fighting on home turf, giving him an important strategic edge.
Since this scene takes place on a theater stage, you are looking at a psychological process, not an actual upcoming battle. The Nine of Wands reminds you that this is not the time to quit the race.
The grey floor on which he stands represents stability, knowledge, and timelessness. They’re his traditions and principles. The staffs behind him in the Nine of Wands are arranged in groups of 5 and 3, referencing the Five and Three of Wands.
In the Five of Wands, he learned how to assert himself. In the Three, he became successful by experiencing the world. It’s pretty obvious that he’s a doer and not a talker. The green mountains behind him represent obstacles he has overcome.
They also symbolize his vitality and power. The large blue sky in the Nine of Wands shows that he can draw from enormous reserves of emotional strength. It also represents optimism.
But the fire is still burning inside him. So he wants to have another go. The staffs resemble a palisade, a defensive structure. This suggests that he is fighting on home turf, giving him an important strategic edge.
Since this scene takes place on a theater stage, you are looking at a psychological process, not an actual upcoming battle. The Nine of Wands reminds you that this is not the time to quit the race.
The grey floor on which he stands represents stability, knowledge, and timelessness. They’re his traditions and principles. The staffs behind him in the Nine of Wands are arranged in groups of 5 and 3, referencing the Five and Three of Wands.
In the Five of Wands, he learned how to assert himself. In the Three, he became successful by experiencing the world. It’s pretty obvious that he’s a doer and not a talker. The green mountains behind him represent obstacles he has overcome.
They also symbolize his vitality and power. The large blue sky in the Nine of Wands shows that he can draw from enormous reserves of emotional strength. It also represents optimism.
Things may look tough, but you’ve seen tough before and you’re ready for anything that’s headed your way. You know this is your moment to shine. You’re driven by an unshakable sense of purpose. It allows you to tap into inner reserves others can only dream of.
Traditionally, the Nine of Wands spells good news if you’ve been struggling with an illness. Your doctor is likely to tell you that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
But this particular Tarot card is a bit tricky when it comes to questions about love. If it represents someone on whom you’ve set your sights, winning his or her heart won’t be easy.
The majority of the Wands suits are basically very positive cards, however as you move towards the highest cards in the suit, more complexity and difficulty can be indicated. This card can indicate anxiety and worry - being burdened and keyed up over concerns.
Traditionally, the Nine of Wands spells good news if you’ve been struggling with an illness. Your doctor is likely to tell you that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
But this particular Tarot card is a bit tricky when it comes to questions about love. If it represents someone on whom you’ve set your sights, winning his or her heart won’t be easy.
The majority of the Wands suits are basically very positive cards, however as you move towards the highest cards in the suit, more complexity and difficulty can be indicated. This card can indicate anxiety and worry - being burdened and keyed up over concerns.
General: When the 9 of Wands comes up, the first and best step is often to take a deep breath and calm down. Don't let the things you are worried about overwhelming you. Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, if you must. At least some of your worries will very likely turn out to be imaginary.
Work: Things may be tense at work. Try not to contribute to the tension; think before you speak, be calm and unruffled as possible on the surface at least. Get clear about the things you can and cannot control and try to give very little "mind space" to the latter.
Do your best with the former and things will very likely be well. If you're wondering if your job may be eliminated, unfortunately, when this card appears, the answer can be yes.
Love: In the context of love, it's important to remember that no relationship and nothing on earth, in fact, can stand up to constant dissection. Try to give your beloved some breathing space. If you are uncommitted and longing for love, understand that the time may simply not yet be right for you.
This is a good time to get yourself whole emotionally, so that when you are ready for a new relationship, that the person that you attract into your life is also whole.
Finances: In terms of finances, worrying will not "keep the wolves from the door." Try to stay calm and methodically pick through your situation and potential courses of action. Take small steps. Look at ways that you might increase your income, even if it's only a little.
Health: Worry, stress, and anxiety are very likely to be affecting your life now. Be sure that you are treating yourself as well as you can; balance in exercise, food and water intake, and getting adequate rest.
Breathing exercises and meditation are particularly useful for you now. If you are waiting on test results, try not to worry too much and remember that there's only so much you can do. Focus on the positive.
Work: Things may be tense at work. Try not to contribute to the tension; think before you speak, be calm and unruffled as possible on the surface at least. Get clear about the things you can and cannot control and try to give very little "mind space" to the latter.
Do your best with the former and things will very likely be well. If you're wondering if your job may be eliminated, unfortunately, when this card appears, the answer can be yes.
Love: In the context of love, it's important to remember that no relationship and nothing on earth, in fact, can stand up to constant dissection. Try to give your beloved some breathing space. If you are uncommitted and longing for love, understand that the time may simply not yet be right for you.
This is a good time to get yourself whole emotionally, so that when you are ready for a new relationship, that the person that you attract into your life is also whole.
Finances: In terms of finances, worrying will not "keep the wolves from the door." Try to stay calm and methodically pick through your situation and potential courses of action. Take small steps. Look at ways that you might increase your income, even if it's only a little.
Health: Worry, stress, and anxiety are very likely to be affecting your life now. Be sure that you are treating yourself as well as you can; balance in exercise, food and water intake, and getting adequate rest.
Breathing exercises and meditation are particularly useful for you now. If you are waiting on test results, try not to worry too much and remember that there's only so much you can do. Focus on the positive.
When reversed, the Nine of Wands Tarot card points to obstacles and delays which are often self-created.
It also suggests that you need to reach out to others for help. Maybe you’ve been putting things off for too long and now your problems have become too numerous and too big to handle on your own. The good news is that help is out there. The reversed 9 of Wands points to a need for gentleness - both with yourself and with other people. Know your strengths. Remember that kindness and weakness are not the same things. Show kindness as often as you can now. General: When the 9 of Wands reversed comes up, it is important not to "beat yourself up," if you find your mental, emotional or physical strength waning. None of us can be perfectly strong all the time. Allow yourself to lean on someone or something positive and know that your strength will return. Everything is a cycle. Work: You may be feeling absolutely overwhelmed at work and be unsure about where to turn. If this is the case, talk it through with people in your personal life that you trust, and then consider what the appropriate action would be in your workplace. If possible, ask for help. Love: You may be 100% convinced that you are right and your partner is wrong about something when the reversed 9 of Wands appears in the context of love. That may indeed be the case, but you are not going to force your partner to see your point of view through anger and coercion. Try a gentle approach and find out what underlies your partner's point of view or actions. |
Finances: In terms of finances, the reversed 9 bears essentially the same meaning as the upright card. Driving yourself crazy with fear and worry will not help your financial situation.
Don't beat yourself up for being where you are, just take one thing at a time, ask for help if you need it, and consider ways to cut expenses and/or increase your income.
Don't beat yourself up for being where you are, just take one thing at a time, ask for help if you need it, and consider ways to cut expenses and/or increase your income.
Health: Do the best you can to stay calm and patient. Anxiety can be a major problem now if you let it overwhelm you. Deep breathing, vigorous exercise (if you can tolerate it/if your doctor has okayed it) can be very helpful now. If you're waiting for answers to health questions, you may have to wait just a little longer.