Page of CupsTarot Card Meanings
Princess of the Waters;Lotus of the Palace of Floods;
Princess and Empress of the Nymphs and Undines;
Throne of the Ace of Cups
Princess of the Waters;Lotus of the Palace of Floods;
Princess and Empress of the Nymphs and Undines;
Throne of the Ace of Cups
Themes and Keywords: The muse and oracle, feminine and elusive. Visioning and manifesting dreams into reality. Acting upon emotions, responding to intuition.Flowering of the power to love. Rapture and romance. Dreamy and imaginative,artistic. Helpful companion. Higher soul connection and divine union. Acting with love. Depths of the dream world. Active imagination.
Element: Water Zodiac Signs : Cancer Healing Crystals : Emerald Page of Cups Keywords
UPRIGHT: Creative opportunities, intuitive messages, curiosity, possibility. REVERSED: New ideas, doubting intuition, creative blocks, emotional immaturity. Numerology11(eleven)
The numerological value of the Page of Cups Tarot is 11. Here, it means that the intuitive, creative energies of water are now completely unfolded.You have a clearer understanding of your emotions, instincts, and subconscious insights. And you’re ready to use what you have learned in new and creative ways. In traditional Numerology 11 is 1+1 = 2 which signifies Moon. |
The lotus flowers embroidered on the Page’s tunic in the Page of Cups show that these ideas are not coming out of thin air. Its roots are buried deep in the fertile soil of your subconscious. They have been growing inside you for a long time – perhaps even since childhood.
The Page of Cups’ blue hat with the watery plume symbolizes that this is a lesson in intuition.
The fish in the Page of Cups yearns to leap upstream, meaning that these new ideas are the results of past actions – directly or indirectly. Remember, you’ve been holding that cup all along. It’s also the moment when you discover that without knowing it consciously, you have created an opportunity to make your childhood dreams come true.
Note: The Page of Cups is not always male. There are Tarot decks that depict the Page of Cups as “princesses” or female. In a reading, it will be up to the reader to determine what gender The Page represents.
The Page of Cups’ blue hat with the watery plume symbolizes that this is a lesson in intuition.
The fish in the Page of Cups yearns to leap upstream, meaning that these new ideas are the results of past actions – directly or indirectly. Remember, you’ve been holding that cup all along. It’s also the moment when you discover that without knowing it consciously, you have created an opportunity to make your childhood dreams come true.
Note: The Page of Cups is not always male. There are Tarot decks that depict the Page of Cups as “princesses” or female. In a reading, it will be up to the reader to determine what gender The Page represents.
In a reading, the Page of Cups points out that your subconscious mind has built a bridge between the playful, inquisitive nature of your youth and the needs and responsibilities of the present.
If you’ve been spinning your wheels trying to resolve a long-standing issue, a sudden insight will bring you the answer. The Page of Cups also announces news and messages from afar, so be sure to check your mailbox.
It could be important. Perhaps a loved one you haven’t heard from in ages is about to make an appearance in your life.
When the Page of Cups appears, it's a signal to allow the childlike side of yourself to come forward. Like most of the Cups suit, the Page is an uplifting and encouraging sign to receive in a Tarot reading.
It also can indicate that someone - likely someone who is younger than you, is coming your way before long with a message for you.
If you’ve been spinning your wheels trying to resolve a long-standing issue, a sudden insight will bring you the answer. The Page of Cups also announces news and messages from afar, so be sure to check your mailbox.
It could be important. Perhaps a loved one you haven’t heard from in ages is about to make an appearance in your life.
When the Page of Cups appears, it's a signal to allow the childlike side of yourself to come forward. Like most of the Cups suit, the Page is an uplifting and encouraging sign to receive in a Tarot reading.
It also can indicate that someone - likely someone who is younger than you, is coming your way before long with a message for you.
General: In general, this card shows a need to play, to dream, to have a little fun. When this card appears, it sometimes means that you've been taking yourself far too seriously.
Work: Even if things have been lousy in your job for the last ten years, the appearance of this card shows that there is cause for hope and positive anticipation. No matter who you are, you have professional options. Life can change on a dime and sometimes those changes are positive. If you're unhappy with your current work, know that you hold the key to changing it.
Love: A younger person (even younger by a few days) may be part of your love scenario. Remember that love doesn't know of age, don't discount people who are younger purely on that basis! This card in the context of love can mean that someone is about to sweep you off your feet. Give them a chance.
Finances: If your finances are in a holding pattern because of decisions that must be made by someone else, the appearance of this card says that the time is growing nigh. Your financial situation is likely to take a turn for the better.
Health: Listen to your body with great care and great compassion. What might it be telling you? For example, if you're having back pain, are you carrying (literally or figuratively) too much?
Work: Even if things have been lousy in your job for the last ten years, the appearance of this card shows that there is cause for hope and positive anticipation. No matter who you are, you have professional options. Life can change on a dime and sometimes those changes are positive. If you're unhappy with your current work, know that you hold the key to changing it.
Love: A younger person (even younger by a few days) may be part of your love scenario. Remember that love doesn't know of age, don't discount people who are younger purely on that basis! This card in the context of love can mean that someone is about to sweep you off your feet. Give them a chance.
Finances: If your finances are in a holding pattern because of decisions that must be made by someone else, the appearance of this card says that the time is growing nigh. Your financial situation is likely to take a turn for the better.
Health: Listen to your body with great care and great compassion. What might it be telling you? For example, if you're having back pain, are you carrying (literally or figuratively) too much?
When reversed, the Page of Cup still points to a burst of spontaneous emotional energy. But now, this energy is so intense that you may have a hard time staying focused.
A recent event may have caused you to lose focus. The reversed Page of Cups also warns of emotional immaturity. If your partner is telling you that you’re being too clingy, he or she may have a point. Perhaps, you’re feeling unappreciated. Rest assured, your contributions are not going unnoticed. When starting a new project, your gut feeling may be right as far as the general direction is concerned. However, you should take some time to work out the details. The Page of Cups warns – Be cautious in business situations. The other party may not have your best interest in mind. When the reversed Page of Cups appears, it's a signal to allow yourself to play and dream, but that you must remain grounded in reality. Knowing the difference between dreams and wishful thinking and what is really happening can be especially challenging now. General: In general, this card in reverse shows a need to play, to dream, to have a little fun. At the same time, you have to know where the boundaries lie. Eventually, we all have to pay the piper in some way. Be aware that actions have consequences. Work: When the Page of Cups appears in reverse, it shows that you are basically appreciated in your work. However, you need to be careful not to "thumb your nose" too often or too vigorously at the powers that be - even if you work for yourself. If you aren't sure what's happening or why you keep getting into problems, ask for advice from a trusted, experienced friend or family member. Love: The reversed Page of Cups carries a warning when it comes to love relationships. When it appears, you may have your heart far too "set" on someone who is quite literally unavailable. Pay attention to the signals you are given. Sometimes it's best to set a deadline for how long you will allow yourself to stay focused on any one individual - if they are not simultaneously moving towards you. We all have more than one soul mate and many chances for happiness. |
Finances: When you pull the reversed Page, this is a time to be exceedingly careful with purchases. You may be shopping in an attempt to somehow fill a deeper need. Think 3 times before plunking down that credit card. It's a twist on the old saying: "Purchase in haste and repent at leisure..."
Health: The reversed Page of Cups may show that you are somewhat predisposed to getting on the latest bandwagon in hopes of improving your health. Yes, natural cures can and do work, but you must make considered decisions and ideally, you should always have agreement and permission from your medical doctor. Don't plunk down a bunch of money for "miracle cures." They are almost always scams.