Hight Priestess Tarot Card Meanings
The Priestess of the Silver Star
The Priestess of the Silver Star
Card Number: II
Planet and Dignities: Moon: rules Cancer, exalted Taurus; Day of the week: Monday Hebrew Letter: gimel Hebrew Letter Meaning: Double letter: Camel (Peace—War); Value: 3 Path 13: Kether (1, Crown—Primum Mobile) to Tiphareth (6, Beauty—Sun) Color Scales in the Four Worlds: Blue. Silver. Cold Pale Blue. Silver, rayed sky blue Themes and Keywords: Holy secrets. Hidden mysteries. Divinity. Purity. Virginity.Autonomy. Aspiration. Vibration. Astral light. Wisdom. Enchantment. Divination.Silence. Esotericism. Intuition. The anima. Holy Spirit. Unvoiced belief. The cup. Healing Crystals : Aquamarine,Labradorite High Priestess Keywords
UPRIGHT: Intuition, sacred knowledge, divine feminine, the subconscious mind REVERSED: Secrets, disconnected from intuition, withdrawal, and silence Numerology 2(two)
The High Priestess is the second Major Arcanum. In Numerology,Number 2(two) is associated with the Moon and the element of water, symbolizing the powerful influence of the subconscious and inspiration. |
In the High Priestess Tarot card, polar opposites (male / female, action / reaction, etc.) combine thus bringing about the ability to be in complete control of one’s self.
The High Priestess Tarot reconciles the right with the left and the above with the below. The 2 pillars on each side of her are called Boaz (severity) and Jachin (mercy).
Because The High Priestess sits in the middle of the white (light) and black (dark) she becomes the third pillar.In this, the High Priestess Tarot combines equal parts of the 2 and becomes 1.
The yellow floor and blue background of the High Priestess Tarot card suggest perfect harmony between the rational and intuitive mind.
This perfect balance is summed up by the equal-armed solar cross, which is also a symbol of divinity. Her crown takes this idea even further by combining the solar disk in the center with the lunar crescents on the sides.
The Moon at the High Priestess' feet and her blue and white robes, symbolizing purity and spiritual devotion, suggest that exploring our subconscious mind can help us a great deal along the way - leading us to an awareness of the part within us that is divine and eternal.
The veil hanging between the pillars on the High Priestess Tarot card is embroidered with palms and pomegranates, symbols of immortality. As such, the veil is representative of the gossamer threshold between this world and the next.
The High Priestess Tarot reconciles the right with the left and the above with the below. The 2 pillars on each side of her are called Boaz (severity) and Jachin (mercy).
Because The High Priestess sits in the middle of the white (light) and black (dark) she becomes the third pillar.In this, the High Priestess Tarot combines equal parts of the 2 and becomes 1.
The yellow floor and blue background of the High Priestess Tarot card suggest perfect harmony between the rational and intuitive mind.
This perfect balance is summed up by the equal-armed solar cross, which is also a symbol of divinity. Her crown takes this idea even further by combining the solar disk in the center with the lunar crescents on the sides.
The Moon at the High Priestess' feet and her blue and white robes, symbolizing purity and spiritual devotion, suggest that exploring our subconscious mind can help us a great deal along the way - leading us to an awareness of the part within us that is divine and eternal.
The veil hanging between the pillars on the High Priestess Tarot card is embroidered with palms and pomegranates, symbols of immortality. As such, the veil is representative of the gossamer threshold between this world and the next.
The High Priestess Tarot card symbolizes a deep understanding of spiritual mysteries and the inner calm that comes with them. You accept that the spiritual truths you are encountering are partially beyond comprehension because they are so much larger than you.
When The High Priestess card comes to you in a reading, it is a reminder that you can fully trust your intuitions and psychic insights and, further, that you should be paying extra attention to them at this time.
The High Priestess is a very spiritual card - often with sexual overtones. It can mean that the querent is in a phase where he or she is going to be much more physically attractive to others. She is tied to the Moon, to femininity, and to inspire.
When The High Priestess card comes to you in a reading, it is a reminder that you can fully trust your intuitions and psychic insights and, further, that you should be paying extra attention to them at this time.
The High Priestess is a very spiritual card - often with sexual overtones. It can mean that the querent is in a phase where he or she is going to be much more physically attractive to others. She is tied to the Moon, to femininity, and to inspire.
General: This is a time to rely on your intuition and your inner knowledge, rather than your conscious mind or intellect. Pay attention to your dreams. Synchronicities are likely now. When the High Priestess appears in a man's reading, she also often represents a woman that he will want badly; but whom he may not be able to get.
Work: It's possible that a pleasant surprise will be coming your way soon in regard to work. This could even be a new job opportunity. You may come up with some new systems or processes that make your work-life simpler and less stressful. Ignore workplace gossip and certainly don't get involved in it.
Love: This can be a magical, mystical time for love. If you date women, you might as well be interested in a woman who is distant and unapproachable. Trust your instincts. If you are a woman, you may well find people basically literally throwing themselves at you. Use this power wisely- it's potent.
Finances: Someone may not be completely honest with you in regards to finances. You may not have all the information that you need. Don't be afraid to dig deep and do your own investigating. Be sure, when it comes to financial transactions, that you give out only the information that is needed and no more.
Health: There may be information about your health that has not yet come to light. If you feel that something is amiss with your body, believe in your concerns and advocate for yourself. You may need to see a different health care practitioner. Trust yourself. If a procedure or test that is suggested to you doesn't "feel right," don't feel that you have to go through with it. Be sure that you are supporting yourself as best you can with diet, exercise, and vitamins / minerals.
Work: It's possible that a pleasant surprise will be coming your way soon in regard to work. This could even be a new job opportunity. You may come up with some new systems or processes that make your work-life simpler and less stressful. Ignore workplace gossip and certainly don't get involved in it.
Love: This can be a magical, mystical time for love. If you date women, you might as well be interested in a woman who is distant and unapproachable. Trust your instincts. If you are a woman, you may well find people basically literally throwing themselves at you. Use this power wisely- it's potent.
Finances: Someone may not be completely honest with you in regards to finances. You may not have all the information that you need. Don't be afraid to dig deep and do your own investigating. Be sure, when it comes to financial transactions, that you give out only the information that is needed and no more.
Health: There may be information about your health that has not yet come to light. If you feel that something is amiss with your body, believe in your concerns and advocate for yourself. You may need to see a different health care practitioner. Trust yourself. If a procedure or test that is suggested to you doesn't "feel right," don't feel that you have to go through with it. Be sure that you are supporting yourself as best you can with diet, exercise, and vitamins / minerals.
When the High Priestess Tarot is reversed, you may feel overcome by a sense of isolation or you may be frustrated by the fact that you are having a difficult time communicating your ideas to others effectively.
You have important things to say, but others seem to brush you off or they stare at you in utter confusion. In general, even reversed, the High Priestess is a very spiritual card - often with sexual overtones. In reverse, however, it can be somewhat more difficult for you to see and / or tap into the powerful, intuitive, and attractive energy that is flowing when the High Priestess appears. The energy is there. Look for it. Allow yourself to feel it. General: You may be finding it difficult to “hear” what your intuition is telling you. If that’s the case, it’s a clear signal to quiet down, spend some time in meditation, and spend some time alone. Try different approaches or even yoga or walking meditations. The information you seek is there. Trust yourself and your instincts. Work: When the High Priestess appears in reverse with regard to work questions, you may be very confused about what is happening in your working life. If it’s possible to do so, don’t hesitate to ask your supervisors or co-workers for clarity about what is happening.On the other hand, your instincts may be telling you to “lay low.” If that’s the case, follow your intuition. Things will become clearer later. Love: Even with this card in reverse, there is a strong likelihood that others are finding you much more attractive than usual. Don’t ignore this, if you are looking for love. On the other hand, with the High Priestess in reverse, you may be finding it difficult to understand where others are coming from with regard to love and romance. If you’re not sure, ask. Don’t jump to conclusions. |
Finances: A group of people or a particular person may not be being completely honest with you in regards to finances. Be very careful what you sign when this card appears in reverse. Do not hesitate to get more information and advice when it comes to large transactions that you may be considering. When the High Priestess appears in reverse, you can be sure that all is not as it appears on the surface.
Health: When the High Priestess appears in connection with a health question, it’s important to realize that you may not yet have all the information you need and that you shouldn’t necessarily accept without question the first opinion you are given. If you are under treatment for a physical problem, it makes sense to get a second opinion now. Trust your instincts, but of course, follow the medical advice that you are given.