Queen of Pentacles or (Queen of Disks)Tarot Card Meanings
Queen of the Thrones of Earth;Queen of Gnomes
Queen of the Thrones of Earth;Queen of Gnomes
Themes and Keywords: Emotions lead to fertile action. Steadiness applied to material ends. Constriction leading to expansion and building. From darkness light ascends. Rising high, competence. Climbing and descent. Carrying the load through change and works. Intuition brings fruition. Endings and beginnings, height and depth, light and darkness. Mature, ambitious, lusty. Acumen in business and things of growth. Time and necessity. Plans hatched in silence. Worldly practicality.
Element: Earth Zodiac Signs : Capricorn Healing Crystals : Amethyst, Bloodstone Queen of Pentacles Keywords
UPRIGHT: Nurturing, practical, providing financially, a working parent. REVERSED: Financial independence, self-care, work-home conflict. Numerology3(three)
In the Tarot, the Queens are associated with the Number 3. Kabbalistically, it symbolizes the Great Mother. In traditional numerology, this number is associated with the generosity of Jupiter. Here, it underlines the card’s message of fertility and abundance. |
In the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card, the arch of roses and blue mountain range framing the yellow sky suggest that passion and intuition guide her thinking. The mountains also point to a spiritual dimension of pleasure. The Queen’s thoughts are less concerned with abstract theory than creating bounty.
The Queen of Pentacles’ crown is topped with a winged solar disk, symbolizing the idea that earthly joys are a divine gift. It is engraved with a geomantic symbol called caput Draconis (the dragon’s head), meaning that now is a good time for new beginnings.
Dressed in red, white, and green, the Queen of Pentacles brings fertility, pleasure, and wealth. Her grey throne sets her apart from her surroundings. She is a queen, after all.
It is carved with symbols representing romantic love (cupid), longevity and bounty (pears), and fertility. The live rabbit in the lower right corner of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card suggests that her power to create abundance is not just a theoretical principle, but a living reality.
The blue rivers in the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card show that the path to abundance in this card is intuitive, rather than intellectual (as it is in the Knight of Pentacles).
The Queen of Pentacles’ crown is topped with a winged solar disk, symbolizing the idea that earthly joys are a divine gift. It is engraved with a geomantic symbol called caput Draconis (the dragon’s head), meaning that now is a good time for new beginnings.
Dressed in red, white, and green, the Queen of Pentacles brings fertility, pleasure, and wealth. Her grey throne sets her apart from her surroundings. She is a queen, after all.
It is carved with symbols representing romantic love (cupid), longevity and bounty (pears), and fertility. The live rabbit in the lower right corner of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card suggests that her power to create abundance is not just a theoretical principle, but a living reality.
The blue rivers in the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card show that the path to abundance in this card is intuitive, rather than intellectual (as it is in the Knight of Pentacles).
The Queen of Pentacles spells extremely good news in all aspects of your life. She tells you that any situation has the potential of going your way without putting too much thought into it. Just trust your gut and know what you want.
The Queen of Pentacles, like all the court cards, often stands in for an actual person in your life. In that regard, she would represent a woman, likely with dark hair and dark eyes.
However, this is not always the case, as these cards can also represent energetic influences in our lives. The energy of the Queen of Pentacles is normally quite the feminine archetype; hearth, home, motherhood.
The Queen of Pentacles, like all the court cards, often stands in for an actual person in your life. In that regard, she would represent a woman, likely with dark hair and dark eyes.
However, this is not always the case, as these cards can also represent energetic influences in our lives. The energy of the Queen of Pentacles is normally quite the feminine archetype; hearth, home, motherhood.
General: The Knight tells us to pay attention to the mundane and normal parts of our lives. A wise man once said, "Take care of the little things and the big things will all fall into place." The Knight of Pentacles asks you to look at how you are handling your affairs and is a grounding influence.
Work: Now is not the time to suggest an overthrow of the traditional ways of doing things. You must work within existing systems and accomplish what people expect you to accomplish. If you are looking for work this can be a good omen that the position you need is forthcoming.
Love: With regard to love, this card points to the responsibility and duty that are part of any love relationship. Love is not all wine and roses; true love is a willingness to work together to get through any rough spots and to work on the relationship.
If you are looking for love when you draw this card, it's a clear signal that you need to vary your routine and try new things if you want to meet someone. Your usual haunts leave something to be desired.
Finances: When the Knight of Pentacles appears with regard to finances, it tells you that money will be coming in very soon and that it could come from anywhere – a raise, a lottery win, an inheritance – quite literally anything. Regardless, keep your nose to the grindstone, and don't bet more than you can afford to lose.
Health: Relating to health questions, the Knight suggests that your biggest payoff health-wise lives mainly in the mundane. You don't have to undergo some full-scale, uncomfortable and difficult regime to feel better. Small, positive steps are most likely the kind of change that you can live with and make permanent.
Work: Now is not the time to suggest an overthrow of the traditional ways of doing things. You must work within existing systems and accomplish what people expect you to accomplish. If you are looking for work this can be a good omen that the position you need is forthcoming.
Love: With regard to love, this card points to the responsibility and duty that are part of any love relationship. Love is not all wine and roses; true love is a willingness to work together to get through any rough spots and to work on the relationship.
If you are looking for love when you draw this card, it's a clear signal that you need to vary your routine and try new things if you want to meet someone. Your usual haunts leave something to be desired.
Finances: When the Knight of Pentacles appears with regard to finances, it tells you that money will be coming in very soon and that it could come from anywhere – a raise, a lottery win, an inheritance – quite literally anything. Regardless, keep your nose to the grindstone, and don't bet more than you can afford to lose.
Health: Relating to health questions, the Knight suggests that your biggest payoff health-wise lives mainly in the mundane. You don't have to undergo some full-scale, uncomfortable and difficult regime to feel better. Small, positive steps are most likely the kind of change that you can live with and make permanent.
The Knight of Pentacles’ single-mindedness makes him accomplish great things, but it can also be his downfall. When the Knight of Pentacles Tarot card is reversed, the universe cautions you to look before you leap.
Everything must be in place and the timing must be just right. Hesitation and delay can be just as destructive as reckless action. The reversed Knight of Pentacles can carry a warning that this is an important time to keep your focus squarely on your work if you are working for money. This is a time to be as adult as possible if you want to be successful. General: This card can indicate that you will be spending time, money, and energy on your home, getting it to be more comfortable. This is a good thing, provided you don't take on too much debt. People will be looking to you for insight and/ or advice. You will be able to help them if you are so inclined. This is a time period when you can get a lot accomplished. Work: You are likely to make great headway now. A woman with dark hair and/or eyes may play a significant role in your working life; if so, know that she is an ally for you. If possible, bring items from your home life into your work situation. This will help you to feel more "at home" there and will likely make you more effective. Love: In the context of love, this is a very feminine card and also points to strategy, particularly for those who are not currently involved with anyone. The strategy to find love is the stereotypical feminine one; don't chase it, make yourself available, but do not be desperate to bring someone new into your romantic life. When the time is right, that will be made abundantly clear to you and you won't have to do backflips to make something come about. |
Finances: The reversed Queen of Pentacles carries a warning that you may be tempted to spend too much money on your home. A warm, inviting, comfortable home can be created with next to no money; in many ways, it is the love and the other unseen energies which make a dwelling into a real home. Don't try to spend your way into it.
Health: When this Queen appears reversed, you may be trying to take care of everyone else's needs without allowing yourself the time and space that you need in order to function well.
Remember that loving yourself is an important part of loving the other people who are important to you. No matter how busy you are, you can find the time to focus on yourself, even if only for three minutes a day. And you must do so in order to be truly effective and loving and healthy.
Remember that loving yourself is an important part of loving the other people who are important to you. No matter how busy you are, you can find the time to focus on yourself, even if only for three minutes a day. And you must do so in order to be truly effective and loving and healthy.