Ten of Pentacles or (Ten of Disks)Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Wealth
Lord of Wealth
Themes and Keywords: Fruition, completion, finality. Accumulation. Embarrassment of riches; wealth that loses meaning without usage. Endowments and inheritances.Legacies and family dynasties. Generations. Redintigration and regeneration. The inevitable mortal progression. Old age, and its amassing of both goods and infirmities. Transitions and thresholds.
Element: Earth Zodiac Signs : Virgo Healing Crystals : Amethyst, Bloodstone Ten of Pentacles Keywords
UPRIGHT: Wealth, financial security, family, long-term success, contribution. REVERSED: The dark side of wealth, financial failure or loss. Numerology10(ten)
In the Minor Arcana, tens show that an elemental force has run its full course. One cycle has been completed and another is about to begin. Here, the energies associated with Earth have come to full bloom. All material needs are being cared for and a higher destiny is now calling you. |
The symbolism in the Ten of Pentacles card is very intricate. The pentacles are arranged in a pattern called the Tree of Life, representing the universe on all levels of consciousness: physical, subconscious/emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.
The stone arch is a gateway between the spiritual and physical worlds. It is carved with scenes and symbols of natural and moral law. The lesson in the Ten of Pentacles is that a good life is rewarded with material and spiritual wealth.
The rich mansion on the other side of the arch shows the material rewards and the old man in the colourful robes symbolizes the spiritual ones. The human figures in the Ten of Pentacles Tarot card represent the circle of life – childhood, adulthood and old age.
The man and woman inside the arch are focusing on their accomplishments and each other. But the inquisitive child is playing with one of the dogs in the Ten of Pentacles, whose attention is focused on the old man. The cryptic symbols on the robe and dog point to a higher destiny.
The stone arch is a gateway between the spiritual and physical worlds. It is carved with scenes and symbols of natural and moral law. The lesson in the Ten of Pentacles is that a good life is rewarded with material and spiritual wealth.
The rich mansion on the other side of the arch shows the material rewards and the old man in the colourful robes symbolizes the spiritual ones. The human figures in the Ten of Pentacles Tarot card represent the circle of life – childhood, adulthood and old age.
The man and woman inside the arch are focusing on their accomplishments and each other. But the inquisitive child is playing with one of the dogs in the Ten of Pentacles, whose attention is focused on the old man. The cryptic symbols on the robe and dog point to a higher destiny.
The Ten of Pentacles Tarot card spells good news in all money-related questions. Even better, the Ten of Pentacles suggests lasting wealth, because you have gotten it through careful planning and looking at the big picture..
The 10 of Pentacles is a very positive omen. It can mean that your material wishes will be met – perhaps to a degree that you would not have thought possible and that in general, things will be going exceedingly well for you. Security in all forms is at a high ebb.
The 10 of Pentacles is a very positive omen. It can mean that your material wishes will be met – perhaps to a degree that you would not have thought possible and that in general, things will be going exceedingly well for you. Security in all forms is at a high ebb.
General: The 10 of Pentacles in general says that you have a great deal to be thankful for. Relationships of all kinds, finance, health, all should be going well. Consider how you got to this happy situation. Make the best of it and be sure to share what you have, even if it's only a kind word spoken to someone in need. We get back what we give out.
Work: A raise in pay or a better position may come to you out of the blue when the Ten of Pentacles appears. You are very likely to enjoy this new situation. This is also an excellent omen when you are looking for work.
Just the right position, at just the right pay, is likely to be made yours if you keep trying. Under no circumstances should you give up. Things are on the upswing, even if you see no concrete signs of this yet.
Love: The 10 of Pentacles is a very happy indicator with regard to love. If you are currently committed, this card can mean that you will move to the next level; living together, engagement, marriage, childbirth, all can be indicated by this card. For a time, you are likely to have a peaceful, happy period in your love life.
Enjoy it and make sure your beloved knows how much they mean to you. If you're not in a relationship, this card can mean that a new love may come into your life so fast it makes your head spin, be open.
Finances: When the 10 of Pentacles appears, the answer to any financial question is likely to be a resounding and upbeat "yes." Money should be flowing better than it has done for a while. You should have more than enough money to meet your needs. Invest in your future and save some of what is coming in now.
Health: As with any other category with the 10 of Pentacles, the health-related news should be very good. You will have at least a short period of time that you are feeling exceptionally well and upbeat about your future. Give thought to how you may support and continue this good health.
Work: A raise in pay or a better position may come to you out of the blue when the Ten of Pentacles appears. You are very likely to enjoy this new situation. This is also an excellent omen when you are looking for work.
Just the right position, at just the right pay, is likely to be made yours if you keep trying. Under no circumstances should you give up. Things are on the upswing, even if you see no concrete signs of this yet.
Love: The 10 of Pentacles is a very happy indicator with regard to love. If you are currently committed, this card can mean that you will move to the next level; living together, engagement, marriage, childbirth, all can be indicated by this card. For a time, you are likely to have a peaceful, happy period in your love life.
Enjoy it and make sure your beloved knows how much they mean to you. If you're not in a relationship, this card can mean that a new love may come into your life so fast it makes your head spin, be open.
Finances: When the 10 of Pentacles appears, the answer to any financial question is likely to be a resounding and upbeat "yes." Money should be flowing better than it has done for a while. You should have more than enough money to meet your needs. Invest in your future and save some of what is coming in now.
Health: As with any other category with the 10 of Pentacles, the health-related news should be very good. You will have at least a short period of time that you are feeling exceptionally well and upbeat about your future. Give thought to how you may support and continue this good health.
When reversed, the Ten of Pentacles is a stern warning that you have lost sight of the big picture. A past crisis may have thrown you off balance.
It is important that you regain control of your situation. You are leaving too many things to chance. The reversed Ten of Pentacles warns of financial and personal losses. They often seem unexpected and sometimes they are devastating. However, all of them can be prevented or minimized. Just think about how many lives are saved each year by functioning smoke alarms and fire extinguishers. Even reversed, the 10 of Pentacles is generally a very positive omen. This is not, however, a time to gamble with your security and things that are important to you; in other words, don't take silly chances. General: The reversed 10 of Pentacles, in general, says that you have a great deal to be happy about, but you need to beware of a sense of boredom, which often comes about when people are actually at peace. Don't shake things up for the sake of it. Count your blessings, at all levels. Work: You may be tempted to leave a stable and lucrative situation on a bit of a whim when the 10 of Pentacles reversed comes up in a work reading. Think long and hard before doing so. Yes, life is about taking chances, but don't take blind chances. If you are looking for work when this card appears, beware of people that talk a good game and scammers. You shouldn't have to pay money to get a job. Love: The reversed 10 of Pentacles is still a very positive indicator with regard to love. However, if you find yourself feeling bored in a long-time committed relationship, be careful before you get yourself out of it; think long and hard first. It may just be that you need to take a new approach, try new things together and/or talk about the way that you are feeling. If you are looking for love and are single, this is a time to get out and meet people; you are likely to find that your good, upbeat energy is coming through you and that people are naturally attracted to you. |
Finances: When the 10 of Pentacles reversed appears, you will need to be especially thoughtful and cautious in your financial dealings. Things that may seem like a good idea on the surface may turn out to be less lucrative than you anticipated. Invest carefully. Watch where you put your trust.
Health: In general, your health should be good when this card appears and/or will be on the upswing, but again, don't take it for granted. Foolish risks can be a likelihood when this card appears. Know how deep the water is before diving in headfirst; don't eat foods you know you're allergic to or things of that nature.