Nine of Pentacles or (Nine of Disks)Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Gain (Material Gain)
Lord of Gain (Material Gain)
Themes and Keywords: Self-sufficiency. The ripening of the harvest. Counting one’s blessings. The comfort of hearth and home. The reward of due diligence,high standards, and industrious behavior. Gracious living. Perfectionism. Solitude.
Element: Earth Zodiac Signs : Virgo Healing Crystals : Amethyst, Bloodstone Nine of Pentacles Keywords
UPRIGHT: Abundance, luxury, self-sufficiency, financial independence. REVERSED: Self-worth, over-investment in work, hustling. Numerology9(nine)
Kabbalistically, nines are associated with the Moon. In the suit of Pentacles, this emphasizes this card’s fertility aspect. Note how the woman’s free hand is resting on the Six of Pentacles, symbolizing the life-giving power of the Sun, while the Three of Pentacles (the Great Mother) are below the falcon. In traditional Numerology, 9 is attributed to fiery Mars. |
Like in The Lovers of the Major Arcana, the two trees in the background of the Nine of Pentacles are the trees of knowledge and life. The castle, a symbol of power and security, stands by the Tree of Life.
The bright yellow sky and ground symbolize intellectual and spiritual understanding: The Nine of Pentacles is a card of wisdom as well as prosperity.
The woman standing in front of the rich grapevines is dressed in yellow (wisdom) and red (love and passion). Her garment is embroidered with flowers in the shape of the astrological symbol for Venus. One hand rests on six pentacles, while the other is gloved, holding a hooded falcon.
Grapes symbolize fertility, beauty, and joy. Like the falcon in the Nine of Pentacles, they suggest that the best is yet to come. Her free hand is resting on the pentacles, but her eyes are on the falcon. It won’t be much longer until he takes flight.
The bright yellow sky and ground symbolize intellectual and spiritual understanding: The Nine of Pentacles is a card of wisdom as well as prosperity.
The woman standing in front of the rich grapevines is dressed in yellow (wisdom) and red (love and passion). Her garment is embroidered with flowers in the shape of the astrological symbol for Venus. One hand rests on six pentacles, while the other is gloved, holding a hooded falcon.
Grapes symbolize fertility, beauty, and joy. Like the falcon in the Nine of Pentacles, they suggest that the best is yet to come. Her free hand is resting on the pentacles, but her eyes are on the falcon. It won’t be much longer until he takes flight.
The Nine of Pentacles is more than a money card: It is a card of being and feeling wealthy. Besides being a card of wealth and joy, the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card also speaks of fertility. All things are now in place so that a major life goal can be manifested. Whatever it may be, it can happen at any moment.
The 9 of Pentacles is one of the most uplifting and encouraging omens in the suit. This can mean that your financial worries are over for a while and that things, in general, will be going better than you thought possible. Enjoy this good energy and share your wealth and happiness with others.
The 9 of Pentacles is one of the most uplifting and encouraging omens in the suit. This can mean that your financial worries are over for a while and that things, in general, will be going better than you thought possible. Enjoy this good energy and share your wealth and happiness with others.
General: The 9 of Pentacles points to happiness and success. This is on both the mundane and the inner realms. You will have a great deal to be proud of and hopeful about.
Expect the best to happen.You'll be in the position to help those less fortunate than yourself. Pay attention not only to your material abundance but also to your spirituality.
Work: If you're looking for a position, the 9 of Pentacles could well point to a better job coming your way than you would have thought possible. Even if you're currently employed, expect a change for the better, both in terms of your circumstances and your pay. You'll have a lot to be grateful for.
Love: The 9 of pentacles is an excellent omen with regard to love, also. If you're currently committed, you can expect the relationship to raise to new heights of intimacy and joy.
If you're unattached and looking, this card tells you that someone new who has what it takes to be a new, meaningful, deep love, could be headed your way very soon.
Finances: When evaluating your finances, you must also look at your riches in other ways. On a more mundane level, your financial cycle is likely to improve, perhaps beyond your wildest dreams. Work hard. You will be rewarded. Share what you have. This too is key.
Health: The 9 of Pentacles is a very encouraging card with regard to health. You should be feeling full of vitality and hopeful and optimistic about the future. If you're waiting on test results, they will likely come back in your favour. Think about your usual mode of thought; remember that thoughts are things and will affect your health. Be as positive as you can.
Expect the best to happen.You'll be in the position to help those less fortunate than yourself. Pay attention not only to your material abundance but also to your spirituality.
Work: If you're looking for a position, the 9 of Pentacles could well point to a better job coming your way than you would have thought possible. Even if you're currently employed, expect a change for the better, both in terms of your circumstances and your pay. You'll have a lot to be grateful for.
Love: The 9 of pentacles is an excellent omen with regard to love, also. If you're currently committed, you can expect the relationship to raise to new heights of intimacy and joy.
If you're unattached and looking, this card tells you that someone new who has what it takes to be a new, meaningful, deep love, could be headed your way very soon.
Finances: When evaluating your finances, you must also look at your riches in other ways. On a more mundane level, your financial cycle is likely to improve, perhaps beyond your wildest dreams. Work hard. You will be rewarded. Share what you have. This too is key.
Health: The 9 of Pentacles is a very encouraging card with regard to health. You should be feeling full of vitality and hopeful and optimistic about the future. If you're waiting on test results, they will likely come back in your favour. Think about your usual mode of thought; remember that thoughts are things and will affect your health. Be as positive as you can.
When reversed, the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card suggests a premature withdrawal from the material world to pursue higher goals. This is a tricky stage in your development.
The reversed Nine of Pentacles Tarot card strongly cautions you to read and reread the fine print in any business situation, no matter how eager you may be to proceed. A little caution now will save you a lot of trouble down the road. The 9 of Pentacles reversed is generally a good omen, but it does warn that one must pay at least some attention to being disciplined and not give in too much to pleasure and relaxation. Yes, you have a lot of wonderful things in your life to enjoy, but there must be some effort made to keep things going. Don't rest on your laurels for too long. General: Although you have a great deal to be proud of and hopeful about, action on your part is still needed. Be sure that you are very clear and specific about your goals and plans. Know what your part is in bringing them about. If you aren't sure what you need to do next, ask for advice from someone you trust. Think positively. Work: If you're looking for a position, the 9 of Pentacles reversed tells you that you must be methodical and disciplined in your job search. If you do so, a good/suitable job may well come your way. If you are currently employed, make sure that your employers are aware that you are keeping your nose to the grindstone. You cannot afford to slack off now. Love: The reversed 9 says that if you are looking for love/ want to be successful in your love relationships, that you can't expect this to "just happen." action and intention on your part is necessary. Be willing to talk and really listen, to your beloved and/or to prospective partners. |
Finances: When the 9 of Pentacles reversed shows in a reading related to finances, you may be expecting rewards without doing "your part." Take the time and effort to understand exactly where you are financially and take the steps to make plans and goals for where you want to be financial--and how you are going to get there. It won't just fall into your lap.
Health: Reversed or upright, the 9 of Pentacles is a very encouraging card with regard to health. However, you will need to do your part and make sure that you are controlling the aspects you can control, such as eating right, exercising and so on. If your gut tells you that you need medical advice trust yourself and follow through.