~ Art of divinity and mystery ~
The tarot is a pack of 78 cards, 22 major arcana cards and court cards grouped in four symbolic signs, which we also find in the zodiac. Fire-bats or wands; water-cups; Air-swords; earth-coins The twenty-two books called "Arcana Majora", each representing a symbolic image with a title in itself. Arcana is a Latin word meaning mysterious or secret; At first glance, this arrangement is supposed to be arbitrary, but it is not. It is necessary, as will appear later, for the structure of the universe, especially the solar system, symbolized by the Holy Qabalah (Hermetic Qabalah). The great hermetic arts of divinity: Tarot, Astrology, Qabalah and Numerology. |
Its origin is very obscure. Some try to put them back to the ancient Egyptian mysteries; others try to bring it forward even in the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. But the Tarot certainly existed in what may be called the classical form as early as the fourteenth century; for the packages at that time they are extended, and the form has not changed in any way in terms of considerably since then. In the Middle Ages, these books were used very carefully to tell their fortune, especially by gypsies, so it was customary to talk about the "Tarot of the Bohemians" or "Egyptians". When it was found that the gypsies, despite their etymology, were of Asian origin, some tried to find their source in Indian art and literature. When I began a serious study of the Tarot, I found the true secrets of archetypal astrology. |
The high arts of Divination have each suffered from blatant manipulation and unsustainable interpretation.
There are ten numbers in the decimal system; and there is a real reason why there should be ten numbers and only ten, in a numerical system that is not only mathematical but philosophical. But, first of all, we must understand the imaginary representation of the Universe given by the Holy Qabalah. (See diagram below) This image represents the Tree of Life, which is a map of the Universe. We must begin, as the mathematician does, with the idea of Zero, Absolute Zero, which turns out to mean any quantity he can choose on examination. |
Qabalah - Tarot
~ What is your role in reality? ~ Do you have a choice? ~ How do we feel about our spiritual existence? ~ Why do we suffer? ~ Can we control our thoughts? ~ Will ,we, humans find a way to live in peace? ~ What is the connection between body and spirit? ~ How do I discover my soul? ~ It's like people can't control themselves. What does Life mean to us? These are some of the questions you hear a Qabalah hour face to face with the Tree of Life diagram. The tarot embodies the symbolic presentations of a universal idea, behind which are all the implications of the human mind and, in this sense, contains a secret doctrine, which is the realization through the few truths embedded in his consciousness. |
Da’ath ~ Between Binah and Chokmah, just below Kether, is a dotted circle. His name is Da’ath, the Great Abyss. It is about faith, making the leap, and being so sure of yourself and your connection to the spirit worlds that nothing can shake you. Da’ath Connection with the High Priestess ~ Intuition, Sacred Knowledge, Feminine Divinity, Subconscious Mind The High Priestess signifies spiritual enlightenment, inner enlightenment, divine knowledge and wisdom |
The name TAROT comes from Wheel In Latin = Wheel and Torah in Hebrew = Law TAROT = WHEEL OF LAW The remains of the original Tarot patterns can be seen today in the ruins of the temples in Thebes, the capital of Egypt in 2000 BC, especially on ancient ceilings in the halls of the Medinet-Abou Palace. In addition, the 22 major books are also found in Astrology and Sidereal Mythology, parallel to the Book of the Dead, engraved in stone crypts like venetian or sketches of the world thousands of years ago - Tony Bushby (Bible Secret) The Holy Kabbalah-Great Cults finally decided to join forces and, instead of being in constant competition for people's minds. This event of monumental importance, this formation of the first corporation in the world, took place in the area referred to today as "Israel". Although traditional history avoids this fact, it is spoken of in allegory, in the Bible and in other stories and fictions. In fact, this is why Israel has its own name. |
Israel is made up of the names of the three deities of the ancient cults: Isis, Ra and El (Moon, Sun and Saturn). The history of astrology, myth, and religion, as well as the theories advanced here, cannot be fully understood without a thorough study of these cults. Israel is the "Holy Land" and the place from which, what we know as Judeo-Christianity, arose. We cannot understand much about this until we approach this background of Astro-Theology.
How good is a historian who does not understand the heart of religion, government and culture?
How good is a historian who does not understand the heart of religion, government and culture?
What is the simplest Tarot set?
One of the simplest sets of tarot cards is Rider-Waite published 1910. The books were originally published in November 1909 by the publisher William Rider & Son in London. I recommend it as a set of beginners to better understand the meaning of each book. How do we formulate the questions in Tarot and how do we help the interlocutor to formulate them? Well, we ask what concerns them to help them formulate the question. While the cards are shuffled, we repeat the chosen question. The question cannot be: Does X love me? Or, do I take this service? Or, I win the lottery? "The Tarot won't tell you that, and you won't find out the numbers." If you ask the question: ~ What lesson do I have to learn? ~ How will the interview for the requested service go? or What do I need to know to show all that is best in me for this interview? ~ What do I need to know about myself in relation to person X that I am in love with? ~ What do I need to know to be open in love? |
~ These are questions asked when dealing with Spirituality, Psychology, Life Lessons and Mirroring in Your Life. We don't have to ask for something abstract because then you will be surprised to see the whims of the books-Sometimes they just tend to stick together-untied, other times they show you the abstract side-without any meaning of display ~ Tarot intelligence is like an Unknown Spirit, full of surprises. You can start with daily displays such as: ~ What do I need to know about Me today? ~ What do I have to learn today? Slowly, slowly you begin to learn Tarot through the Intuition and psychology it transmits to you. It is not necessary to open the book with their explanations, sometimes the combinations want to convey something completely different to you. By developing Intuition you will become much more confident in yourself. |
How do we shuffle the cards?
In any kind of way you play cards. If you are used to it, you use many methods to mix them. Because more recently the books are read and turned over, the fishing style is also used - we mix all the books on one surface.
~ Many have rituals of concentration-meditation, or while mixing them-even if it is for yourselves, they will ask for the help of Angels, Archangels (Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel) or will pronounce the Four Letters in the Name of God-Hebrew = YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH = YHVH ~ It is the Sacred Name of God that is not pronounced by the profane-the profane are people who do not respect the things considered sacred, unbelievers, but also people who ignore ignorance in that area and have an opinion bad, personal even if he is ignorant. ~ When you want to make a display it is good to turn off any kind of electronic devices that distract you, phone, TV |
Examples of displays?
~ The first displays, even for you, are usually from 2-3 cards. You always turn them sideways so as not to change the position of the card, especially if it is inverted - upside down - you must respect the turned cards, they always have a message. One possibility is to cut. You need to be clear about what you are asking for and imagine that a higher imaginary power is helping you.
~ If it is not a personal display and you will use three cards for a question with YES or NO answer. ~Central Card-Display Center- 1 -KETHER ~ Left-Consciousness – 2 - HOKHMAH-WISDOM ~ Right-Subconsciousness-3- BINAH-INTENDED as in the tree of life.-in addition the 3rd position can sometimes show you the future even if you took a negative answer from the center-it can be a change during the process. Sometimes the answer NO or an obstacle to what we want intensely, is the answer of the Universe to something better, meant for us. Never insist that the Tarot simply tells you clearly, it is up to you whether you want to listen or resist. |
~ For those who want to make a display, first of all you have to be honest with yourself because the tarot does not like lying, it would be good to transpose yourself into a character from the tarot cards-transposition can be done either through your zodiac sign but also the energy you feel for that book. We will see this along the way and you can visit the site to see which book, as a zodiac sign, personifies you.
~ You will end by thanking the divinity and you as a person to protect yourself. It is not good to play with energies that we do not understand and study them as little as possible. ~ What are the zodiac signs that interfere with the major arcana? Of course, it is much easier through the meaning of each zodiac sign through the Major Arcana, but perhaps some do not complement each other in that energy. I will list the 12 zodiac signs with the personality of the Major Arcana cards, just for information, they will be detailed in the tarot lessons and the mystical combinations between them. Aries-Emperor, Taurus-Hierophant, Gemini-Lovers, Cancer-Chariot, Leo- Strenght, Virgo-Hermit, Libra-Justice, Scorpio-Death, Sagittarius-Temperance, Capricorn-Devil and Aquarius-Star - Pisces- Moon |
Transposition example ~ which card represents you?
If, for example, you are the Queen of Swords, you will address the books with your name-I Queen of Swords, because you know that character is assigned to you, please Divine Intelligence to show me the path of spiritual development, or what lesson I have to learn for a term namely, week, month
~ I personally don't go very far because the energies change through the changes you make every day. ~ Can you be the Queen of Swords? -Represents the fluidity of the Air, the elasticity and the transmission power conducted from 21 degrees Virgo to 20 degrees Libra on the astrological diagram. She is crowned in the clouds. It is Clarity-Liberation of the Mind. The person symbolized by this book should be intensely perceptive, a keen observer, a subtle performer, an intense individualist, quick and precise in recording ideas; confident in action, in the spirit full of grace and justice. Her movements will be graceful, and her ability to dance and balance will be exceptional. |
If you have the dark side of this character (as in reversing the position of the card), these qualities will be transformed into unworthy purposes. She will be cruel, deceptive, and insecure; in this way, very dangerous, because of the superficial beauty and attractiveness that distinguishes it.
Character, excellent in itself, cannot stand interference. This is just an example of finding yourself
Character, excellent in itself, cannot stand interference. This is just an example of finding yourself
Be Authentic
And don't forget! if you want to overcome obstacles, always trust yourself!
Don't look over your shoulder to compare yourself to others, fear brings failure and insecurity, we are all wrong but we move forward. Here are some appreciations that can unbalance the emotional state, I will mention them to encourage you: ~ People will not believe in you. ~ People will tell you, you are not good enough. ~ People will not give you opportunities. ~ People hate you for the religion you follow. ~ People envy your success. All you can do is be the best version of YOU! |
When you do something new you will feel insecure about what you are doing, when you get stuck because you don't know exactly what you really want to do or express yourself, or you try to do things according to the expectations of others,
BE AUTHENTIC! do not be afraid that you will be removed. Let your body feel, let yourself feel. When you ask yourself how I feel about that something I want to do, I need to understand how I feel: excited or stuck. Leave the Wisdom within you, you have it in you, in your body, in your mind. As you feel the misery, the insecurity - they are all HERE (in your head) - here you have the solution - courage, enthusiasm, success The Problem and the Solution are in the same place! Besides, how do you feel in that miserable moment worth living for the next few moments? Life is beautiful when we think positively, and when we give our best, we reach a degree of forgiveness, compassion full of inner peace. Be human with yourself in the first place and be human with others around you. |
And never try to cut off other people's ideas, try to listen and not control or disapprove of anything they say. Try to discover YOUR AUTHENTIC, do not relate to those on the outside, because only then will you understand how much inner wisdom you have.
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