Four of Pentacles or (Four of Disks) Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Power (Earthly Power)
Lord of Power (Earthly Power)
Themes and Keywords: Status and structure. Stabilizing the practical. Stagnation via solid position. The vault, the fortress, the bunker, the throne. Authority and responsibility, law and order. The CEO. Monarchs and plutocrats. Accumulating wealth. Avarice, covetousness, gluttony.
Element: Earth Zodiac Signs : Capricorn Healing Crystals : Amethyst, Bloodstone Four of Pentacles Keywords
UPRIGHT: Saving money, security, conservatism, scarcity, control. REVERSED: Over-spending, greed, self-protection. Numerology4(four)
On the Tree of Life, the Number 4 is associated with divine mercy and the planet Jupiter. As the ruler of the Greco-Roman gods, Jupiter is known for his generosity toward those who do good things. However, he is also known for his overindulgence in physical pleasures. |
In the Four of Pentacles, the man in the royal garments is seated on a grey stage against a mostly grey backdrop. This colour represents constancy, but it also shows that the flow of energy has stopped. Of course, the universe never grinds to a complete halt; after all, it is a movement that keeps it alive.
That’s pretty much what’s happening in the Four of Pentacles Tarot card. Look at the man’s pose. Seated on a stone bench, his arms form a square, symbolizing earth, as he presents the pentacle, resting his chin on it. His feet also touch pentacles. Owning wealth is just as important to him as showing it off.
The crown in the Four of Pentacles is a symbol of power and authority. Notice that it is topped by a pentacle, meaning that this power depends on wealth. The man’s black cloak symbolizes stability, but also a preoccupation with material possessions. His red robe signifies passion and energy and the robe’s azure hem is a reminder that he owes his wealth to the generosity of the universe.
That’s pretty much what’s happening in the Four of Pentacles Tarot card. Look at the man’s pose. Seated on a stone bench, his arms form a square, symbolizing earth, as he presents the pentacle, resting his chin on it. His feet also touch pentacles. Owning wealth is just as important to him as showing it off.
The crown in the Four of Pentacles is a symbol of power and authority. Notice that it is topped by a pentacle, meaning that this power depends on wealth. The man’s black cloak symbolizes stability, but also a preoccupation with material possessions. His red robe signifies passion and energy and the robe’s azure hem is a reminder that he owes his wealth to the generosity of the universe.
If the Four of Pentacles Tarot card appears in your Tarot reading, the universe is about to bless you with wealth. The Four of Pentacles Tarot card is not a sermon-in-pictures about the evils of materialism.
Rather, it challenges you to think about using it wisely – and in a manner that allows you to grow as a person. Material security is the foundation for spiritual progress.
The 4 of Pentacles can be a card about holding on to things, people, money, or situations longer than is healthy or realistic. When this card appears in a reading, it's a sure sign that you must look carefully at what you are clinging to and whether others are clinging to you in an unhealthy way.
Rather, it challenges you to think about using it wisely – and in a manner that allows you to grow as a person. Material security is the foundation for spiritual progress.
The 4 of Pentacles can be a card about holding on to things, people, money, or situations longer than is healthy or realistic. When this card appears in a reading, it's a sure sign that you must look carefully at what you are clinging to and whether others are clinging to you in an unhealthy way.
General: In general, the 4 of Pentacles can point to anxiety/fear about money and/or a clinging to whatever it is that makes the querent feel secure. The key here is to try to realize that being anxious and grasping does not bring security.
Work: With regard to work questions, the 4 of Pentacles says that you may be doing something you don't like just because it's putting food on the table. Jobs and situations such as this have their place, but to better your situation, you must elevate your spiritual understanding and belief in yourself.
Love: The 4 of Pentacles is a card about fear, basically, when it comes to love. Either you are holding on far too tight to a situation or lover or someone is attempting to do that to you.
This clinging is not healthy. True love allows for space between the lovers and no matter what, one can never really control another person. If you are single and think that you are ready for a relationship, realize that you will undoubtedly have to step outside your comfort zone to make it happen. True love will not just drop out of the sky.
Finances: You have some understandable anxiety about money and are trying to hold on to every penny. There is a fine line between fear-based grasping and being accountable and deliberate about where your money goes.
You can break this grip of fear by reminding yourself that no matter what your circumstances, there is someone who is less fortunate than you are.
Health: The 4 Pentacles can indicate that you need to let go of old wrongs and wounds in order to move forward. It also can mean that others are trying to hold on to you and your health in ways that are not good for you or them.
Help your loved ones to see the truth, which is that not everything is in our conscious control. Meditation, particularly around issues of freedom and relaxation is useful now.
Work: With regard to work questions, the 4 of Pentacles says that you may be doing something you don't like just because it's putting food on the table. Jobs and situations such as this have their place, but to better your situation, you must elevate your spiritual understanding and belief in yourself.
Love: The 4 of Pentacles is a card about fear, basically, when it comes to love. Either you are holding on far too tight to a situation or lover or someone is attempting to do that to you.
This clinging is not healthy. True love allows for space between the lovers and no matter what, one can never really control another person. If you are single and think that you are ready for a relationship, realize that you will undoubtedly have to step outside your comfort zone to make it happen. True love will not just drop out of the sky.
Finances: You have some understandable anxiety about money and are trying to hold on to every penny. There is a fine line between fear-based grasping and being accountable and deliberate about where your money goes.
You can break this grip of fear by reminding yourself that no matter what your circumstances, there is someone who is less fortunate than you are.
Health: The 4 Pentacles can indicate that you need to let go of old wrongs and wounds in order to move forward. It also can mean that others are trying to hold on to you and your health in ways that are not good for you or them.
Help your loved ones to see the truth, which is that not everything is in our conscious control. Meditation, particularly around issues of freedom and relaxation is useful now.
If the Four of Pentacles appears reversed in your Tarot card reading, you may just learn that sometimes, the best way to handle the frustration of playing a seemingly never-ending waiting game is to just let go.
This may imply a radical step, such as counting your blessings and walking away or it could mean that you have decided to drop long-standing attitudes and hangups that have been holding you back for much too long. You’ll be pleased with the powerful sense of freedom. The 4 of Pentacles reversed often implies that you are holding on to things, people, money, or situations far more than you should for your own well-being and peace of mind. It's time to relax and to remember that you cannot control what others choose to do. We all have free will. Focus on your own choices. General: When the 4 of Pentacles is reversed, it can mean that the querent will move quickly through the fear-based clinging they have been exhibiting and suddenly learn to be more open, more generous, and more aware that fear solves nothing. Making a point to think positively will help. Work: With regard to work questions, the 4 of Pentacles reversed implies that you are far too worried about the safety and security of your job. This is understandable in the light of the current global economic uncertainty, but it can be counterproductive to worry so much, as it can actually make your work suffer. Think positively and focus on producing the best work that you can. Love: The 4 of Pentacles reversed is a card about fear, when it comes to love. However, the reversal can mean that you are about to let go of the fear and finally open yourself up in a way that is real and which will give your relationship a fighting chance. If you are looking for love and get the reversed 4 of Pentacles, it is telling you to not let fear of rejection hold you back. Reach out, mingle, get to know people. You have to be open for love to come to you and being full of fear is not helpful. |
Finances: When the reversed 4 of Pentacles appears, it can show that you are finally getting beyond your worries about money, because you will have realized that your worry isn't helping you. You can make a difference in your financial situation if you let go of your fear and get moving.
Health: The 4 of Pentacles reversed, although it may not feel particularly pleasant at first, can indicate that you are about to move forward emotionally, which will, in turn, improve your health greatly.
When this card appears, you have almost certainly been carrying around a great deal of fear and worry related to your health and you may finally find the courage to open up about these fears. Speak your heart. Your situation will improve instantly when you do.
When this card appears, you have almost certainly been carrying around a great deal of fear and worry related to your health and you may finally find the courage to open up about these fears. Speak your heart. Your situation will improve instantly when you do.