Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings
The Magus of the Eternal
The Magus of the Eternal
Card Number: V
Sign and Dignities: Taurus, fixed earth. Ruler Venus, moon exalted; Motto: “I have” Hebrew Letter: vav Hebrew Letter Meaning: Simple letter vav: Nail (Hearing); Value: 6 Path 16: Chokmah (2, Wisdom—Zodiac) to Chesed (4, Mercy—Jupiter) Color Scales in the Four Worlds: Red orange. Deep indigo. Deep, warm olive. Rich brown Themes and Keywords: Divine instruction. Initiation. Connecting heaven and Earth.God and man. Teaching. Speaking and listening. Holding the keys. Insides and outsides. Exoteric. Threshold between realms. Bridge-making. Priesthood as mediation. Institutional structures—church and school. Healing Crystals : Blue Topaz,Celestite Hierophant Keywords
UPRIGHT: Spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition,institutions REVERSED: Personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo Numerology 5(five)
The Hierophant is the fifth Major Arcanum. In Numerology the Number 5(five) is associated with Mercury and it points to a deep intellectual understanding of a wide range of topics. |
The Hierophant Tarot card represents religious doctrine as a path tospiritual progress.
In the Hierophant Tarot card, the grey pillars represent the principles of religious doctrine in perfect balance and harmony. The grey throne and background clearly show that this path does not allow much leeway.
The robes of the monks kneeling before the Hierophant are embroidered with roses and lilies, symbols of physical and spiritual love.
The Hierophant’s yellow crown and staff tipped with the triple cross are important clues. They explain that the religious principles expressed in the Hierophant Tarot card reach into the material as well as the spiritual world.
The Hierophant red and white robes show that while these principles are rigid, they are actually life-affirming and inspired by love.
The monks/priests are shown in the Hierophant Tarot with tonsures. One wears a robe adorned with white Lilies (thought), the other a robe adorned with red Roses (desire). With his free hand, the Hierophant gives the sign of benediction or blessing.
In the Hierophant Tarot card, the grey pillars represent the principles of religious doctrine in perfect balance and harmony. The grey throne and background clearly show that this path does not allow much leeway.
The robes of the monks kneeling before the Hierophant are embroidered with roses and lilies, symbols of physical and spiritual love.
The Hierophant’s yellow crown and staff tipped with the triple cross are important clues. They explain that the religious principles expressed in the Hierophant Tarot card reach into the material as well as the spiritual world.
The Hierophant red and white robes show that while these principles are rigid, they are actually life-affirming and inspired by love.
The monks/priests are shown in the Hierophant Tarot with tonsures. One wears a robe adorned with white Lilies (thought), the other a robe adorned with red Roses (desire). With his free hand, the Hierophant gives the sign of benediction or blessing.
When The Hierophant Tarot card comes upright to you in a reading, it could be letting you know that now is the time to stick to what is expected and accepted as ‘normal’ procedure.
The Hierophant is very much about "doing the right thing." You may be struggling with an issue and are unsure about what is "right" for you to do. Know that the answers are within you. Remember that the "right" thing is what is right for you also.
The Hierophant is very much about "doing the right thing." You may be struggling with an issue and are unsure about what is "right" for you to do. Know that the answers are within you. Remember that the "right" thing is what is right for you also.
General: This is also a card that is very much about spirituality - everything from traditional religion to earth-centered spirituality and any other spiritual notion that you can conceive of. There may be a tension between your idea of spirituality and the "right thing" and the ideas of others around you. Stand up for your own beliefs.
Work: You may find that a teacher or mentor of some sort that you have been needing appears in your life now. This is a good time to get involved with groups even if you don't think of yourself as a "group person," as you will find that you have much to learn from them Work should be going very well provided you are able to be organized and work within the rules.
Love: Romance also is likely to be going very well, although in a pretty traditional way. Now is not the time to "buck the system" or to be unconventional any more than you have to be.
Finances: This is a time to play by the rules and to use down-to-earth, normal, traditional ways to handle your money. Seek the advice of bankers and professional money managers and/or people with more experience dealing with money than you have. This is a good time for investments.
Health: Ritual of any kind is helpful to you now. If you have health challenges, discipline order and commitment - in whatever way that makes sense to you - is the way to go about it. "Traditional" therapeutic means also have a high chance of success now.
Work: You may find that a teacher or mentor of some sort that you have been needing appears in your life now. This is a good time to get involved with groups even if you don't think of yourself as a "group person," as you will find that you have much to learn from them Work should be going very well provided you are able to be organized and work within the rules.
Love: Romance also is likely to be going very well, although in a pretty traditional way. Now is not the time to "buck the system" or to be unconventional any more than you have to be.
Finances: This is a time to play by the rules and to use down-to-earth, normal, traditional ways to handle your money. Seek the advice of bankers and professional money managers and/or people with more experience dealing with money than you have. This is a good time for investments.
Health: Ritual of any kind is helpful to you now. If you have health challenges, discipline order and commitment - in whatever way that makes sense to you - is the way to go about it. "Traditional" therapeutic means also have a high chance of success now.
The Hierophant Tarot card represents spiritual or moral authority gained from a thorough understanding of tradition. When this card is reversed, it is often a painful reminder that this authority is not physical.
While you can teach others the difference between right and wrong, you cannot prevent them from making poor choices. Reversed, the Hierophant card can also show inflexibility and intolerance towards others. When reversed, the Hierophant is still very much about "doing the right thing." In reversal, however, it indicates a more-than-normal level of confusion about what exactly the right thing is. The answers are within you. General: The reversed Hierophant can indicate that others don’t really understand where you are coming from or why you think a certain course of action is the right one. It is not always necessary that your nearest and dearest “get it” or agree, once you have made a solid decision. Work: Although you may be surrounded by and/or receiving advice from some very solid and helpful and savvy mentor(s) when the Hierophant appears reversed you may need to agree or disagree with at least one of them on at least one point. That is crucial now. Love: When the reversed Hierophant appears, you may be getting weary of the same-old in relationships and may have a longing to step outside of your usual and accepted roles and routines. The Hierophant has a relationship to the traditional and established way of doing things. Push too far too fast and you could well alienate (or lose) your relationship. |
Finances: As with the upright meaning of this card, this is a time to play by the rules and to use down-to-earth, normal, traditional ways to handle your money. Gambling is not likely to pay off now in any form. Seek the advice of bankers and professional money managers and/or people with more experience dealing with money than you have.
This is a good time for investments, provided they are conservative and stable. This is not a good time for taking chances with money or going for "unusual" stocks, bonds, etc.
This is a good time for investments, provided they are conservative and stable. This is not a good time for taking chances with money or going for "unusual" stocks, bonds, etc.
Health: You may need to make some changes to your typical health regime. It’s good to have rituals and positive habits when this card appears, it is not, however, good to be completely inflexible.
If you have a long-standing health challenge that has not seemed to get any better, this is a good time to perhaps seek a second opinion or try a more esoteric healing method—anything from massage to careful attention to diet and substance intake may make a big difference now.
If you have a long-standing health challenge that has not seemed to get any better, this is a good time to perhaps seek a second opinion or try a more esoteric healing method—anything from massage to careful attention to diet and substance intake may make a big difference now.