Emperor Tarot Card Meanings
Son of the Morning,Chief Among the Mighty
Son of the Morning,Chief Among the Mighty
Card Number: IV
Sign and Dignities: Aries, cardinal fire. Ruler Mars, sun exalted; Motto: “I am” Hebrew Letter: heh (RWS); , tzaddi (Thoth) Hebrew Letter Meaning: Simple letter heh: Window (Sight); Value: 5; Simple letter tzaddi: Fish Hook (Imagination); Value: 90 Path 15 (RWS): Chokmah (2, Wisdom—Zodiac) to Tiphareth (6, Beauty—Sun) Path 28 (Thoth): Netzach (7, Victory—Venus) to Yesod (9, Foundation—Moon) Color Scales in the Four Worlds: Scarlet. Red. Brilliant flame. Glowing red Themes and Keywords: Dominion. Rulership/kingship. Structure. Government.Paternity. Selfhood. Sight and vision. Military might.Spring/solar force. The ram.The head. Being first. Competition. Ruthlessness. Healing Crystals : Carnelian, Red Jasper Emperor Keywords
UPRIGHT: Authority, establishment, structure, a father figure REVERSED: Domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, inflexibility Numerology 4(four)
The Emperor card is the 4(four) Major Arcanum. Kabbalistically, it is associated with Jupiter, which is quite apropos for this card. In traditional Numerology, it corresponds to Uranus and his fierce independent streak and creativity. Here, they show that the Emperor’s power and position lift him to great heights, but also isolate the Emperor from the world. |
The Emperor’s red robe shows that he can still pack a wallop and the colour white symbolizes pure spiritual power.
The Emperor is a father figure, representing ambition, worldly power, and strength, but also wisdom gained from experience and struggles overcome. Because of these things, it makes complete sense that the Emperor’s scepter is an Ankh, the Egyptian symbol of eternal life.
The Emperor has overcome all obstacles, the mountains and the river in the distance. Now that he has built his empire, he must govern it.
He sits on a granite throne, symbolizing his authority, carved with ram heads, his past accomplishments. Everything from the Emperor’s golden, gem-studded crown, scepter, and orb to his imperial robe, hiked up to reveal his full suit of armor and penetrating gaze, sends one clear message, “I am in charge.”
The throne sets the Emperor apart from the world. Grey and cold in a landscape of brilliant reds and yellows, the Emperor Tarot card clearly shows that it is his position and not his spirit that isolates him from the rest of the world.
The Emperor is a father figure, representing ambition, worldly power, and strength, but also wisdom gained from experience and struggles overcome. Because of these things, it makes complete sense that the Emperor’s scepter is an Ankh, the Egyptian symbol of eternal life.
The Emperor has overcome all obstacles, the mountains and the river in the distance. Now that he has built his empire, he must govern it.
He sits on a granite throne, symbolizing his authority, carved with ram heads, his past accomplishments. Everything from the Emperor’s golden, gem-studded crown, scepter, and orb to his imperial robe, hiked up to reveal his full suit of armor and penetrating gaze, sends one clear message, “I am in charge.”
The throne sets the Emperor apart from the world. Grey and cold in a landscape of brilliant reds and yellows, the Emperor Tarot card clearly shows that it is his position and not his spirit that isolates him from the rest of the world.
As a leader and mentor, the Emperor has a deep understanding of your capabilities and limits. He will help you develop your talents and prompt you explore – and push beyond – those limits. And in the process, he’ll do whatever it takes. The Emperor knows when you are truly struggling and when you’re just making excuses.
The Emperor shows us that domination of the mind over the heart is sometimes not wanted, but in some cases is it necessary and even welcomed and that this is part of what we must think about when he appears.
When hard choices must be made it's important to maintain your concentration and focus and this is something this time period will make it easy for you to do.
The Emperor shows us that domination of the mind over the heart is sometimes not wanted, but in some cases is it necessary and even welcomed and that this is part of what we must think about when he appears.
When hard choices must be made it's important to maintain your concentration and focus and this is something this time period will make it easy for you to do.
General: It looks as though a kind, an older man may be part of your scenario. This could be a work colleague or your father or a father-type figure. Perhaps he will be interested in you romantically. If so, don't rule him out, just because of his age.
You may feel that this man sort of "rules with an iron fist" and that can be frustrating at times, but he is trying to help you to see that rules have their place and their reasons - and you will come out all the better for it.
Work: Work should be going well and your efforts will not be going unnoticed. Pay particular attention to organization, follow-through and logic. Your results should be stellar.
If you are looking for work, now is a time to be dispassionate, to step outside yourself and think about how others see you from a logical point of view; play up the logical reasons why they should hire you. You are likely to be successful in finding work if you make a logical and sustained effort now.
Love: You may find yourself falling for someone who is older than you now. This person is likely to be attracted to order, logic and organization. The attraction may not be mutual from the very beginning, but if you are patient and persistent, it is likely to grow.
Finances: This card shows a need for discipline, logic, and order to make your finances work better for you. What we pay attention to in our life grows. Are you treating your money with respect? Do you know how much you have, where it is going, and so forth?
Do not focus on lack now, because lack is then what grows. Pay attention to what you have and be the best steward of it that you can be.
Health: Believe in your right to good health. Be logical about what you are doing to your body. Order and discipline may be helpful.
You may feel that this man sort of "rules with an iron fist" and that can be frustrating at times, but he is trying to help you to see that rules have their place and their reasons - and you will come out all the better for it.
Work: Work should be going well and your efforts will not be going unnoticed. Pay particular attention to organization, follow-through and logic. Your results should be stellar.
If you are looking for work, now is a time to be dispassionate, to step outside yourself and think about how others see you from a logical point of view; play up the logical reasons why they should hire you. You are likely to be successful in finding work if you make a logical and sustained effort now.
Love: You may find yourself falling for someone who is older than you now. This person is likely to be attracted to order, logic and organization. The attraction may not be mutual from the very beginning, but if you are patient and persistent, it is likely to grow.
Finances: This card shows a need for discipline, logic, and order to make your finances work better for you. What we pay attention to in our life grows. Are you treating your money with respect? Do you know how much you have, where it is going, and so forth?
Do not focus on lack now, because lack is then what grows. Pay attention to what you have and be the best steward of it that you can be.
Health: Believe in your right to good health. Be logical about what you are doing to your body. Order and discipline may be helpful.
When The Emperor Tarot is reversed, the universe reminds you that for every two steps forward, you sometimes need to a step back.
When the Emperor card is reversed, the universe may also remind you of the many blessings it has given you and that the time has come to give back to the community. The Emperor in reverse can tell us that we are giving our heart more credence than what our mind and logic are telling us. In general, that is not a bad thing; but ideally, we would be balancing both. Use your mind and your heart, this reversed card tells us. You may be easily distracted now and could find it hard to maintain your concentration and focus. Yet drawing the reversed emperor indicates that concentration and focus are vital now. General: When you draw the Emperor in reverse, an older man, likely to be dark-haired, maybe rubbing you the wrong way now. Try to look beyond his exterior and consider what it is that he may have to offer you that can be of use. Don’t get too irritated if he is trying to tell you what you “should” do; take the parts of his advice which are useful and ignore the rest. Work: The reversed Emperor can indicate that you are not much in the mood for structured, formal work right now. However, obviously, you may not have a choice. Do the best you can to exhibit the structure and order that your job requires of you, but make sure to give yourself at least little mini-breaks to help yourself cope, if necessary. Love: If you consider yourself to be an orderly, methodical person, you may have fallen for someone who doesn't know where or how compromises can be made. If you don’t, take care of this the relationship will not work. |
Finances: If you struggle with finances and you have drawn the Emperor reversed, you may well need to seek outside assistance. Look for someone who is good at logical order and being methodical in terms of setting up budgets, dealing with taxes and cash flow, and so on.You cannot afford to take a haphazard approach when this card appears in this context.
Health: Again this card in reverse points to a need to get outside advice and to be logical, methodical, and orderly about how you are managing your body and your health. Increased self-discipline may be helpful.