The World Tarot Card Meanings
The Great One of the Night of Time
The Great One of the Night of Time
Card Number: XXI
Planet and Dignities: Saturn: rules Capricorn and Aquarius, exalted Libra; Day of the week: Saturday Element: Earth Hebrew Letter: tav Hebrew Letter Meaning: Double letter: Cross (Power-Servitude); Value: 400 Path 32: Yesod (9, Foundation—Moon) to Malkuth (10, Kingdom—Earth) Color Scales in the Four Worlds: Saturn: Indigo. Black. Blue black. Black, rayed blue. Earth: Citrine, olive, russet, and black. Amber. Dark brown. Black, flecked yellow. Themes and Keywords: Completion and renewal. Matter and time. Eternity. Returning. Closure. Unfolding. Wholeness. Where the journey leads. Beginnings and endings. The ultimate. The least and the greatest. Complete narratives/stories.Imagined worlds within worlds. Confinement = freedom. Going, and to stop. All and one. Healing Crystals : Lepidolite, Turquoise World Keywords
UPRIGHT: Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel REVERSED: Seeking personal closure, short-cuts, delays Numerology 21(twenty one)
It’s no accident that The World card is so often associated with good fortune. After all, the triple seven (3×7=21) is every gambler’s favourite number. On the Tree of Life, the seventh fixed point is associated with pure inspiration and the planet Venus, symbolizing the power of love. Being composed of 2 + 1 The World card is associated with the Number 3 and reminds us that polar opposites in perfect balance bring forth new life. |
The red ribbons holding the wreath together on the World Tarot card form the eternity symbol. This is a reminder that we are infinite souls within an infinite universe with infinite possibilities for advancement and achievement.
The World Tarot is associated with the Hebrew letter Tav, representing the flow of energy between the earthly and lunar consciousness, symbolized here by the twinkling stars set in the Winner’s Wreath.
The dance represents constant motion and craft perfected to an art. Notice that the dancer’s legs on the World card form a cross, symbolizing perfect balance.
The dancer in the World Tarot card holds a White rod in each hand. These rods are polar opposites: positive and negative, light and dark, etc. She has mastered her inner and outer world perfectly.
The expression on her face is one of intense concentration. Our World Tarot card dancer is actually engaged in a flurry of activities and even her minutest gesture has a specific purpose.
Such perfection, skill and sustained effort shown in the World Tarot can only be rewarded with success. This is shown in the World card by the arrival of the four angelic beings in the cards’ corners (Lion, Bull, Angel and Eagle).
The wreath’s oval shape in the World Tarot symbolizes the cosmic egg – the world egg of the Greek creation myth. The dancer’s scarf, her old karma, is already sliding off her body. When it’s completely gone, the egg is ready to hatch.
Once she has discarded this temporary shell, too, a whole new world, a new universe is born.
The World Tarot is associated with the Hebrew letter Tav, representing the flow of energy between the earthly and lunar consciousness, symbolized here by the twinkling stars set in the Winner’s Wreath.
The dance represents constant motion and craft perfected to an art. Notice that the dancer’s legs on the World card form a cross, symbolizing perfect balance.
The dancer in the World Tarot card holds a White rod in each hand. These rods are polar opposites: positive and negative, light and dark, etc. She has mastered her inner and outer world perfectly.
The expression on her face is one of intense concentration. Our World Tarot card dancer is actually engaged in a flurry of activities and even her minutest gesture has a specific purpose.
Such perfection, skill and sustained effort shown in the World Tarot can only be rewarded with success. This is shown in the World card by the arrival of the four angelic beings in the cards’ corners (Lion, Bull, Angel and Eagle).
The wreath’s oval shape in the World Tarot symbolizes the cosmic egg – the world egg of the Greek creation myth. The dancer’s scarf, her old karma, is already sliding off her body. When it’s completely gone, the egg is ready to hatch.
Once she has discarded this temporary shell, too, a whole new world, a new universe is born.
Having completed one important life stage and passing all tests with flying colors, you are ready for new experiences, challenges, and lessons. Your success has brought you to a new threshold.
Judgment can be a card about jumping to conclusions, decisions, and of course, judgments, which are too hastily made. If you are prone to such things, this is a clear signal to slow down and give things more thought and to give people "more chances." This can also be a time of fundamental spiritual awakening.
Judgment can be a card about jumping to conclusions, decisions, and of course, judgments, which are too hastily made. If you are prone to such things, this is a clear signal to slow down and give things more thought and to give people "more chances." This can also be a time of fundamental spiritual awakening.
General: This can often be a card of completion. You've worked hard and you are almost to the finish line in some way so don't quit now when you are so close.
Work: In terms of work, there's a very good chance that you are working far too hard for far too little recognition and money. You may find it beneficial to look outside your own country for helpful information on how the work you do is done elsewhere and this could lead to some very interesting realizations.
Love: If you travel during this time period and you are in the market for a relationship, you may well meet someone while you are away. This will be true even if the travel is only locally and not very far away. Don't be afraid to mingle or talk to strangers.
Conversely, if you have been in a committed long-term relationship for some time, you are likely to find it rising to new and better heights. Things in the love department should be quite interesting but in a good way.
Finances: If money has been a bit stagnant for you then the appearance of 'The World' is a good sign and that this blockage will soon clear and you'll find yourself flush once again. It is important that you have understood the lesson and begin saving and protecting yourself so that if hard times come again you will be better prepared.
Health: Your health should be on the upswing. You may be helped by finding a healer who works with something besides traditional Western medicine. Don't view this as an attempt to replace medical therapy because it isn't. Rather it is to work in concert with it.
Work: In terms of work, there's a very good chance that you are working far too hard for far too little recognition and money. You may find it beneficial to look outside your own country for helpful information on how the work you do is done elsewhere and this could lead to some very interesting realizations.
Love: If you travel during this time period and you are in the market for a relationship, you may well meet someone while you are away. This will be true even if the travel is only locally and not very far away. Don't be afraid to mingle or talk to strangers.
Conversely, if you have been in a committed long-term relationship for some time, you are likely to find it rising to new and better heights. Things in the love department should be quite interesting but in a good way.
Finances: If money has been a bit stagnant for you then the appearance of 'The World' is a good sign and that this blockage will soon clear and you'll find yourself flush once again. It is important that you have understood the lesson and begin saving and protecting yourself so that if hard times come again you will be better prepared.
Health: Your health should be on the upswing. You may be helped by finding a healer who works with something besides traditional Western medicine. Don't view this as an attempt to replace medical therapy because it isn't. Rather it is to work in concert with it.
When reversed, The World card indicates an energy flow from the lunar consciousness to the physical awareness.
If you are ready for these energies, they will manifest themselves in the form of uncanny insights and intuitions, new perspectives, and possibly even psychic dreams. When the World appears in reverse, you may find that although there is a great deal of potential and promise for you, you may be feeling stuck. This is an excellent time to review how well you do at “asking for help” when you need it. Remember you don’t have to do everything on your own. General: Whether upright or reversed, this can often be a card of completion. You've worked hard and you are almost to the “finish line” in some way. You’re almost definitely in need of some well-deserved rest and relaxation; don’t be afraid to take it. Work: When you draw the World reversed, it’s a time to take stock of how well your actual achievements are lining up with your potential. If you’re not sure what you are best at or where your talents truly lie, this is a time to get help. Love: If you have been in a long-term committed relationship for some time, you and/or your partner may be feeling a little stuck and or a little stagnant when this card appears in reversal. If you try and if you are honest with yourselves and each other, you are likely to find it rising to “new and better heights.” If you’re looking for love, reach out. Don’t be afraid to mingle or talk to strangers. |
Finances: If money has been a bit stagnant for you - this is a good sign that this “blockage” will soon break and you'll find yourself feeling comfortable financially once again. Don’t go mad with spending, when it breaks, though.
This is an important time to begin saving and protecting yourself so that if hard times come again, that you'll be prepared.
This is an important time to begin saving and protecting yourself so that if hard times come again, that you'll be prepared.
Health: With the reversed World, something may be “stuck” in your mind and body which is interfering with your best health. Follow your instincts about what is best for your health within reason, of course.