Strength Tarot Card Meanings
The Daughter of the Flaming Sword
The Daughter of the Flaming Sword
Card Number: VIII (RWS); XI (Thoth)
Sign and Dignities: Leo, fixed fire. Ruler sun; Motto: “I will” Hebrew Letter: teth Hebrew Letter Meaning: Simple letter teth: Serpent (Taste); Value: 9 Path 19: Chesed (4, Mercy—Jupiter) to Geburah (5, Severity/Strength—Mars) Color Scales in the Four Worlds: Greenish yellow. Deep purple. Gray. Reddish amber Themes and Keywords: Passion. Virility. Divine ecstasy. Kundalini. Feminine power.Courageous action. Control and mastery of animal nature. Joy of exercising strength. The beauty and the beast. Apocalyptic goddesses. Sacred prostitution.Pure maiden versus holy whore. Taming versus riding the lion. Moral fortitude. Healing Crystals : Bloodstone, Citrine Strength Keywords
UPRIGHT: Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion REVERSED: Inner strength, self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion Numerology 8(eight)
The Strength Tarot is the eighth Major Arcanum. As a hieroglyph, it symbolizes spirit and matter in perfect harmony. Because a cube has 8 points, this number also symbolizes manifestation.Numerologically, 8(eight) is associated with Saturn, the creator/destroyer. |
The connected chain of red Roses around the maiden’s waist on the Strength Tarot card suggests a harmony of desires, that your higher self is now in perfect harmony with the divine self. This awareness enables you to shape your destiny.
The infinity sign above the maiden’s head symbolizes divine power and balance for the Strength Tarot. Robed in white, the colour of pure spirit, the maiden of the Strength Tarot represents power and balance. Balancing intellect (yellow), passion (red), matter (green) and emotion (blue), her influence gives everything shape and definition.
On the Strength Tarot card, the flowers making up her crown and the garland by which she leads the lion show that this is a natural, life-giving force. The red Lion symbolizes the force of nature under perfect control. That’s why his tail is tucked in.
Keeping in mind that the maiden does not restrict but the shape, we see that the lion is actually being positioned. In heraldry, the lion’s stance on the Strength Tarot is called statant (standing), symbolizing majesty. Like the lion, you are embracing your destiny, becoming its master in the process.
The infinity sign above the maiden’s head symbolizes divine power and balance for the Strength Tarot. Robed in white, the colour of pure spirit, the maiden of the Strength Tarot represents power and balance. Balancing intellect (yellow), passion (red), matter (green) and emotion (blue), her influence gives everything shape and definition.
On the Strength Tarot card, the flowers making up her crown and the garland by which she leads the lion show that this is a natural, life-giving force. The red Lion symbolizes the force of nature under perfect control. That’s why his tail is tucked in.
Keeping in mind that the maiden does not restrict but the shape, we see that the lion is actually being positioned. In heraldry, the lion’s stance on the Strength Tarot is called statant (standing), symbolizing majesty. Like the lion, you are embracing your destiny, becoming its master in the process.
More than anything, the Strength Tarot card depicts a shaping, rather than a restraining influence. The lion tucked in the tail is a gesture of submission, showing that he is already tame. Instead of forcing the lion’s mouth open or closed, the maiden is actually adjusting her pose, like an artist. A great work of art requires more than raw talent, but also vision, patience, control and precision.
Strength indicates the importance of mind over matter and reminds you to focus on what you do want rather than what you don't want in your life. Its main point is that you have the ability to harness your thoughts and to use them for your - and everyone else's - highest good.
Strength indicates the importance of mind over matter and reminds you to focus on what you do want rather than what you don't want in your life. Its main point is that you have the ability to harness your thoughts and to use them for your - and everyone else's - highest good.
General: It's important now for you to make time to meditate and contemplate and spend some time alone even if you are in a committed relationship. Do not allow yourself to spend time in preoccupation and fear. Outward things will be going all right but what is of the most paramount importance is keeping your head on straight.
Work: Work should be going well. If you're looking for work, know that you have the skill set to find it. If you're already employed and there is room for upward mobility, don't hesitate to negotiate for what you're worth. You might be surprised at the positive reception that you get.
Love: Love should be going very well - if you're committed, this is very likely to be a strong relationship that is mutually supportive and beneficial. If you're looking for someone, this is a much better-than-average time to meet people. You should be in a self-confident phase, so get out and mingle. You might be very pleasantly surprised by how things work out.
Finances: Money should be in a positive cycle. Be sure to save some, even if it's only a little and even if you've been doing without for quite some time and feel a desperate need to treat yourself or the people that you care about. You may actually be getting ready to purchase a home or other big-ticket item. Don't borrow more than you can comfortably repay.
Health: Your health and vitality should be strong and robust now. This is a great time to correct bad habits if you need to do so in order to protect your health. Starting with small goals like a daily ten-minute walk could very well lead you to where you want to be, which is even healthier and stronger than you're feeling right now. Yes, it can get better.
Work: Work should be going well. If you're looking for work, know that you have the skill set to find it. If you're already employed and there is room for upward mobility, don't hesitate to negotiate for what you're worth. You might be surprised at the positive reception that you get.
Love: Love should be going very well - if you're committed, this is very likely to be a strong relationship that is mutually supportive and beneficial. If you're looking for someone, this is a much better-than-average time to meet people. You should be in a self-confident phase, so get out and mingle. You might be very pleasantly surprised by how things work out.
Finances: Money should be in a positive cycle. Be sure to save some, even if it's only a little and even if you've been doing without for quite some time and feel a desperate need to treat yourself or the people that you care about. You may actually be getting ready to purchase a home or other big-ticket item. Don't borrow more than you can comfortably repay.
Health: Your health and vitality should be strong and robust now. This is a great time to correct bad habits if you need to do so in order to protect your health. Starting with small goals like a daily ten-minute walk could very well lead you to where you want to be, which is even healthier and stronger than you're feeling right now. Yes, it can get better.
When reversed, the Strength Tarot card points to a sense of insecurity resulting from an imbalance between your desires and principles. Your animal impulses either have overpowered your higher self or they are being suppressed by a false notion of morality or spirituality.
Both scenarios are equally dangerous, as either can completely undo your spiritual or material progress, sending you back to square one. The Strength Tarot reversed also cautions you that there is a critical need to restore the balance within yourself. When Strength appears in reverse it does not indicate that you are not strong; on the contrary, it indicates typically that there is more strength in you and in your immediate situation than you are likely to be seeing at this time. General: When Strength appears in reverse, it’s an important indicator that you have a lot to be grateful for and that you should make a point in the very near future to count your blessings. Yes, everyone wishes for more than they have - more health, more friends, more money, more… whatever. Appreciating what you currently have in hand is key to opening ourselves up for more. Work: Before you can expect the people you work with to be crystal clear on what your talents and skills are, it’s obvious that you must be clear first. Once you are clear, this is a good time to make sure that those in a position to hire you are aware of them as well. Take things one step at a time. Love: The reversed meaning of the Strength card in the context of love and romance is basically the same as its upright meaning. In general, love should be going very well - if you're committed, this is very likely to be a strong relationship that is mutually supportive and beneficial. If you're looking for someone, this is a much better-than-average time to meet people. |
Finances: In general money should be flowing well for you now, even with the card appearing in reversal; still, don’t push the boundaries too far. Don’t assume that current prosperity will necessarily continue forever. This is not a great time to gamble much or to borrow to finance anything other than literal needs.
Health: You are likely to be feeling pretty good when this card appears, even in reversal. This is a great time to correct bad habits if you need to do so in order to protect your health; the caution is not to try to do so too quickly or too forcefully. Slow and steady wins the race. Starting with small goals like a daily short, vigorous workout could very well lead you to where you want to be.