King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of the Flame and the Lightning;King of the Spirits of Fire;
King of the Salamanders
Lord of the Flame and the Lightning;King of the Spirits of Fire;
King of the Salamanders
Themes and Keywords: Pure will. First flash. Insight. Great force, swiftly expended.A spark. Energy expenditure, transient energy. Decisive action. Masculine power.Fired up. One explosive shot toward a goal. Impulsiveness and impetuosity.Leadership. Creating destiny. Opportunity arising. Entrepreneurial spirit.
Element: Fire Zodiac Signs : Aries, Leo & Sagittarius Healing Crystals : Carnelian King of Wands Keywords
UPRIGHT: Courage, confidence, independence, social butterfly, determination REVERSED: Self-respect, self-confidence, introverted, re-establish sense of self Numerology2(two)
All Kings are associated with the Number 2. Kabbalistically, it corresponds to the sphere of the zodiac. That’s where all major decisions are made. It also suggests an outpouring of immense creative energy that still lacks proper definition. In traditional Numerology, 2 corresponds to the Moon and its magnetic pull towards the unknown. |
Crowned & seated in his throne on the King of Wands Tarot card, The King can look back on many impressive accomplishments. His throne is decorated with lions and salamanders. Lions not only show his royal status, but they also express his strength.
Salamanders represent the element of fire on the King of Wands Tarot card. You’ll also find them on his yellow cloak. Look closely and you’ll see that in the King of Wands card, they are biting their tails.
The solar orange colour of the King’s throne shows that he hasn’t spent all his energy by a long shot. The live salamander on the ground next to him also symbolizes his great stores of internal power.
The King’s red robes and green collar symbolize his passion and vitality. The King of Wands’ yellow cloak represents his restless intellect.
Salamanders represent the element of fire on the King of Wands Tarot card. You’ll also find them on his yellow cloak. Look closely and you’ll see that in the King of Wands card, they are biting their tails.
The solar orange colour of the King’s throne shows that he hasn’t spent all his energy by a long shot. The live salamander on the ground next to him also symbolizes his great stores of internal power.
The King’s red robes and green collar symbolize his passion and vitality. The King of Wands’ yellow cloak represents his restless intellect.
This card symbolizes pure heat and energy. This can be a blessing and a curse. The King of Wands bristles with creativity and he is gifted with uncanny foresight. He has learned to trust his instincts and they have been so finely tuned that they lead him from one stellar success to the next.
Widely educated and rich in experience, he keeps his sights on the future and the bigger picture. Details, however, frustrate the King of Wands. They slow him down and when he skips over them, they can develop into bigger problems.
It’s quite appropriate to call him a “mercurial” man. His temper can turn on a dime. One moment, he’s the funniest, most charming person you’ll ever meet. The next, he’ll spit lightning and fire. This can make it frustrating to be around him for long periods of time.
Widely educated and rich in experience, he keeps his sights on the future and the bigger picture. Details, however, frustrate the King of Wands. They slow him down and when he skips over them, they can develop into bigger problems.
It’s quite appropriate to call him a “mercurial” man. His temper can turn on a dime. One moment, he’s the funniest, most charming person you’ll ever meet. The next, he’ll spit lightning and fire. This can make it frustrating to be around him for long periods of time.
General: In general, the King of Wands is a positive omen. Even when he does not represent a literal individual in your life, he signifies that men around you are generally supportive and think well of you.You will be feeling ambitious and goal-oriented and furthermore, you will have the wherewithal to accomplish what you have in mind. Think positively.
Work: In the context of work the King of Wands can indicate a man with hair on the lighter end of the spectrum who wants to serve as a mentor for you. This is a man who you can trust and can count on.
Overall, things should be going well work-wise and if you're looking for employment, the King is a very positive significator that a position that you'd be pleased with is likely to be forthcoming soon.
Love: In terms of love, the King of Wands is an excellent omen. He signifies that someone you care about also has protective and caring feelings about you and that they are also willing to work hard if necessary to make the relationship work.
You may be more than usually focused on your own work/career now, make time for romance (even if you are currently single) or you'll end up with work being the only thing in your life.
Finances: Again the King of Wands is a quite positive omen. You may discover a talent that you didn't know you had which could lead to more money. If you have ever thought about starting your own business, this can indicate that this is a very good time to start taking steps.
Health: The King of Wands is rich with vitality. However, he also carries a warning not to overdo things or push your body further than it is able to go; rest and recuperation are also a critical part of health.
Make time too to examine what you are really feeling, down deep. Anger and negative emotions can take a toll on your body. Allow yourself to feel what you feel, but let those feelings go in a positive way.
Work: In the context of work the King of Wands can indicate a man with hair on the lighter end of the spectrum who wants to serve as a mentor for you. This is a man who you can trust and can count on.
Overall, things should be going well work-wise and if you're looking for employment, the King is a very positive significator that a position that you'd be pleased with is likely to be forthcoming soon.
Love: In terms of love, the King of Wands is an excellent omen. He signifies that someone you care about also has protective and caring feelings about you and that they are also willing to work hard if necessary to make the relationship work.
You may be more than usually focused on your own work/career now, make time for romance (even if you are currently single) or you'll end up with work being the only thing in your life.
Finances: Again the King of Wands is a quite positive omen. You may discover a talent that you didn't know you had which could lead to more money. If you have ever thought about starting your own business, this can indicate that this is a very good time to start taking steps.
Health: The King of Wands is rich with vitality. However, he also carries a warning not to overdo things or push your body further than it is able to go; rest and recuperation are also a critical part of health.
Make time too to examine what you are really feeling, down deep. Anger and negative emotions can take a toll on your body. Allow yourself to feel what you feel, but let those feelings go in a positive way.
When reversed, the King of Wands Tarot card cautions you that you need to pay closer attention to how you come across when dealing with people.
While others admire you, they also tend to shy away from you. The King of Wands Tarot card may also suggest that you’re feeling frustrated about the lack of progress on a certain project. Your sense of frustration can also be instructive. It could well be that you’re just pushing yourself too hard. Seeking better ways of handling setbacks and delays emotionally will help you grow as a person. The King of Wands reversed can signify a man who has been through a lot in his life and as a result, he typically is warm, kind, and understanding towards others. He himself is likely to have a great deal of energy, but as he has matured, he has begun to understand that not everyone can match his pace. If this is in regard to your children, think carefully whatever leniency is the best response to them. General: In general, the King of Wands reversed is a positive card. People around you are likely to be kind, tolerant, and understanding. You should have more than enough energy to get what you need to accomplish your task. Again, a light-haired, older man may play an important and helpful role in your life. Work: In the context of work the reversed King of Wands generally indicates helpful men, but it can also signify that one man, in particular, may tend to be condescending and patronizing towards you. Depending on the situation you may need to accept a certain amount of this, however, if this man creates too much difficulty or becomes fully inappropriate toward you there may need to be a confrontation or action taken about it. Love: The King of Wands reversed is a good omen with regard to love, especially if you are interested in an older man who is energetic, kind, and warm. Regardless of who you are interested in or involved with, this card indicates though that your beloved may need some time to think through what he or she needs and what they want to happen in your relationship. It's important that you be patient and open while they figure it out. Take one step at a time. |
Finances: When the reversed King of Wands appears, it's usually a clear signal that you could use some financial advice from someone knowledgeable - even if you yourself are a financial professional. You are likely to have enough excess money to do at least some small investments.
Health: The King of Wands reversed definitely points to strong physical health. You may benefit immensely from a session with a physical trainer or nutritional counsellor now provided you are open to hearing what they have to say and acting upon it. If you have new-found health goals, be sure not to push yourself too hard and risk injury. Slow and steady is the way to go.