Four of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Truce (Rest from Strife)
Lord of Truce (Rest from Strife)
Themes and Keywords: Temporary stabilization. Structure as refuge. Rest from mental chaos. Isolation and convalescence. Laws as protection. Keeping vigil.Meditation.
Element: Air Zodiac Signs : Libra Healing Crystals : Clear Quartz Four of Swords Keywords
UPRIGHT: Rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation REVERSED: Exhaustion, burn-out, deep contemplation, stagnation Numerology4(four)
Kabbalistically, fours are associated with Jupiter’s benevolence. In traditional Numerology, 4 corresponds to the deeply spiritual nature of Uranus or Rahu. Here, these energies combine to invite you on an inner journey during your time of peace. |
The coffin in the Four of Swords card does not symbolize death, but a period of going within. The lid is open. You can see that it’s empty. You have been given some valuable downtime for reflecting on where your life is taking you.
Here is a real chance to reconnect with your spirit. That’s why the knight’s hands are folded in prayer in the Four of Swords.
The Grey walls of the church interior symbolize rest and inaction. So does the fact that the three hanging Swords are pointing down.
In the Four of Swords, the coffin’s Yellowish Colour shows that this downtime is actually quite productive. Important thoughts and insights are making their way to the surface right now.
The scene in the stained glass window gives you another clue: It’s the story of the Fisher King from the Arthurian legend. Here, Sir Galahad brings the Holy Grail to the ailing King Arthur, bringing him back to health and vitality.
This cosmic breather is your time to recharge those batteries. The Swords on the wall point to his head, heart, and hands: his thoughts, feelings, and actions. In a state of perfect quiet, the knight can reconnect with the fourth, buried sword: his soul.
Here is a real chance to reconnect with your spirit. That’s why the knight’s hands are folded in prayer in the Four of Swords.
The Grey walls of the church interior symbolize rest and inaction. So does the fact that the three hanging Swords are pointing down.
In the Four of Swords, the coffin’s Yellowish Colour shows that this downtime is actually quite productive. Important thoughts and insights are making their way to the surface right now.
The scene in the stained glass window gives you another clue: It’s the story of the Fisher King from the Arthurian legend. Here, Sir Galahad brings the Holy Grail to the ailing King Arthur, bringing him back to health and vitality.
This cosmic breather is your time to recharge those batteries. The Swords on the wall point to his head, heart, and hands: his thoughts, feelings, and actions. In a state of perfect quiet, the knight can reconnect with the fourth, buried sword: his soul.
When the Four of Swords Tarot card appears in a reading, it announces a period of creative downtime. As with all cards in the Suit of Swords, this moment won’t last forever. So it’s important to use this time wisely.
Until recently, your life has been a flurry of activity. Now things have slowed down to a trickle. This may feel a little disorienting at first. If you’re running a business, you may be worried. But you can only work so many twelve-hour days in a row.
The four of Swords is a card that signifies a break (or need for a break) from normal life. This can also mean that you or someone in your life may withdraw for a time. This withdrawal is not likely to be permanent.
It also occasionally means illness or time in the hospital or (even more rarely) in jail. It's a clear signifier to give people their space.
Until recently, your life has been a flurry of activity. Now things have slowed down to a trickle. This may feel a little disorienting at first. If you’re running a business, you may be worried. But you can only work so many twelve-hour days in a row.
The four of Swords is a card that signifies a break (or need for a break) from normal life. This can also mean that you or someone in your life may withdraw for a time. This withdrawal is not likely to be permanent.
It also occasionally means illness or time in the hospital or (even more rarely) in jail. It's a clear signifier to give people their space.
General: In general, this card usually means that you are needing some time and space to yourself. Others may be pushing too hard for bits of your time and attention. Don't hesitate to draw boundaries for yourself or to say no.
Conversely, when others say no to you, take them at their word. Pushing in this circumstance is asking for trouble.
Work: This is a great time to take some time off from work if you can (even a long weekend.) you need a break and some perspective. Things are not likely to be going as you would like them to do - don't take this personally or try to push harder.
Sometimes we just need to be patient with the process. If you can't stand the need for patience, perhaps the time has come to start looking for another position.
Love: If you are currently in a romantic relationship, you may be feeling a bit disconnected. It is important to let your partner know what is going on inside, but remember that your feelings are your own, it is not necessarily their job to try to make you feel fabulous all the time.
It may be that you simply need some time apart. If you're looking for love, now is not the time to push. The time will come when you will meet someone. That time is probably not in the immediate.
Finances: You may need to take a different course of action if you are behind in your payments and are not sure where the money is going to be coming from. Think through ways to bring in extra money.
If you have your own business and are owed money, step up your collections activities. If you wait for people to pay you on their own accord, you could be waiting far too long. This financial logjam will not last forever.
Health: This card signifies a need, in the context of health, to count your blessings. Your health may not be all that you would like it to be, on the other hand, it is doubtless better than that of many other people. Be grateful for what you have. This card can also show a need to slow down and take it easy.
Conversely, when others say no to you, take them at their word. Pushing in this circumstance is asking for trouble.
Work: This is a great time to take some time off from work if you can (even a long weekend.) you need a break and some perspective. Things are not likely to be going as you would like them to do - don't take this personally or try to push harder.
Sometimes we just need to be patient with the process. If you can't stand the need for patience, perhaps the time has come to start looking for another position.
Love: If you are currently in a romantic relationship, you may be feeling a bit disconnected. It is important to let your partner know what is going on inside, but remember that your feelings are your own, it is not necessarily their job to try to make you feel fabulous all the time.
It may be that you simply need some time apart. If you're looking for love, now is not the time to push. The time will come when you will meet someone. That time is probably not in the immediate.
Finances: You may need to take a different course of action if you are behind in your payments and are not sure where the money is going to be coming from. Think through ways to bring in extra money.
If you have your own business and are owed money, step up your collections activities. If you wait for people to pay you on their own accord, you could be waiting far too long. This financial logjam will not last forever.
Health: This card signifies a need, in the context of health, to count your blessings. Your health may not be all that you would like it to be, on the other hand, it is doubtless better than that of many other people. Be grateful for what you have. This card can also show a need to slow down and take it easy.
When reversed, the Four of Swords Tarot card shows that the soul, that “buried” sword under the knight, is becoming restless. You’re about to jump back into the action – or you have a strong desire to do so.
In the Four of Swords, this could spell a return to the everyday world after a period of isolation. If you’ve used that downtime to regain your bearings and recover your strength, the transition will be very smooth. When the 4 of Swords reversed appears in a reading, you or someone very close to you is exhausted, on every level. This is not a time to push yourself beyond your limits, to do so now is to risk all that you have worked so hard for your health, your work, your relationships. It's more than okay to take a break. It's critical now. General: Generally, the reversed 4 of Swords means that in addition to feeling tired, you may be feeling a bit isolated. Do not look at this as a permanent situation. Allow yourself to rest and know that the relationships and friendships that you need are coming. Take one step at a time. Work: As with the upright 4 of Swords, the reversed 4 suggests that some time off from work would be beneficial. You may also find that something about the way things are done at work/in your field which has never seemed "right" to you may become a lot clearer and you'll find yourself supporting this practice. If you are looking for work, it may be important to take at least a few hours' breaks to rethink. Love: The reversed 4 of Swords, if you are currently in a romantic relationship, can show that you will need to make extra effort to find yourself feeling more "together" with your partner. However, you also need to stay alert to the fact that your partner may be exhausted for other reasons, and if so, you need to not take this personally. If you are looking for love and coming up empty-handed and this has been so for some time, then it is definitely time to change your tactics. |
Finances: When the 4 of Swords reversed appears in the context of a money question, you may benefit a great deal by taking the counterintuitive step of putting money out of your mind for at least a few hours.
Anxiety and worry may be interfering with your ability to think rationally and carefully about what you need to do.
Anxiety and worry may be interfering with your ability to think rationally and carefully about what you need to do.
Health: The reversed 4 of Swords can indicate that you are about to finally put some self-limiting beliefs behind you - and this can cause major leaps forward both in your outlook and in your health. However, this card is a clear indicator that you must rest, that you have been pushing yourself far too hard.