Five of Wands Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Strife
Lord of Strife
Themes: Incompatibility. Pressure. Testing. Will under restriction. Upheaval.
Purification by fire. Striving. Overcoming constraint. Competition and attention.Drama. Motion and activity. Compression and release. Element: Fire Zodiac Signs : Aries, Leo & Sagittarius Healing Crystals : Carnelian Five of Wands Keywords
UPRIGHT: Conflict, disagreements, competition, tension, diversity REVERSED: Inner conflict, conflict avoidance, tension release Numerology5(five)
Kabbalistically, fives are associated with feisty Mars. In traditional Numerology, 5 corresponds to lighthearted Mercury. The combined energies are intense but not life-threatening in the Suit of Wands; their bark is much worse than their bite but remembers, the influence of the fives comes and goes quickly. |
The structure in the foreground of the Four of Wands Tarot card does bear an uncanny resemblance to a chuppah or wedding canopy. Its roof is hung with roses, symbolizing passion and love and grapes, signifying fertility and abundance. At any rate, the Four of Wands expresses the joy and happiness that comes with a wedding ceremony.
Kabbalistically, the olive green shoes, leggings, and sleeves symbolize juvenile recklessness. You’ll note in the Five of Wands Tarot card that all the other boys are wearing red boots, leggings, or shirts, signifying energy and passion.
One of the youngsters wears a blue shirt with grape clusters, a symbol of abundance and ecstasy. The Five of Wands’ most serious aspect is that of youthful passion and exuberance.
In a Tarot reading, look to the other cards surrounding the Five of Wands to get clues as to whether the Five of Wands is foretelling of garden variety human smack talking or if it is an omen of serious conflict.
Kabbalistically, the olive green shoes, leggings, and sleeves symbolize juvenile recklessness. You’ll note in the Five of Wands Tarot card that all the other boys are wearing red boots, leggings, or shirts, signifying energy and passion.
One of the youngsters wears a blue shirt with grape clusters, a symbol of abundance and ecstasy. The Five of Wands’ most serious aspect is that of youthful passion and exuberance.
In a Tarot reading, look to the other cards surrounding the Five of Wands to get clues as to whether the Five of Wands is foretelling of garden variety human smack talking or if it is an omen of serious conflict.
Don’t bother looking for a safe haven when there’s a pie fight going on around you. The best thing you can do is grab your safety goggles and join the fun. Things are getting messy all right, but no ones getting hurt – except maybe your pride and only if you let it.
The worst thing that can happen is that everything will return to its ordered routine tomorrow. The energy and meaning in this Wands' card reflect what happens during an intense brainstorming session. Everyone is putting their ideas on the table and these ideas are bound to be as mismatched as the clothes on the youngsters in this card. But that’s what brainstorming is all about.
The 5 of Wands often refers to competition. Usually, this is in the career/work arena, but sometimes it can refer to romantic rivals. Don't be afraid of competing, know that you have something to offer and can be successful. But you have to try, to see results.
The worst thing that can happen is that everything will return to its ordered routine tomorrow. The energy and meaning in this Wands' card reflect what happens during an intense brainstorming session. Everyone is putting their ideas on the table and these ideas are bound to be as mismatched as the clothes on the youngsters in this card. But that’s what brainstorming is all about.
The 5 of Wands often refers to competition. Usually, this is in the career/work arena, but sometimes it can refer to romantic rivals. Don't be afraid of competing, know that you have something to offer and can be successful. But you have to try, to see results.
General: When this card appears, your need to believe in yourself is stronger than ever now. Hold your head up high and have faith that you will end up in the place that is right for you. You may be thinking of making a career change. Know that you can be successful, if so.
Work: Know that you are facing competition, but if you play your cards right, that you can compete successfully. The only way to lose for sure is not to try. Play fair even if all around you are not doing so. People who play dirty may seem to win in the short term, but as Gandhi Ji said, that sort of win is never, ever permanent.
Love: The person you have your eye on maybe being pursued by several people. Even so, give it your best shot. You need to know that you have done all that you can for this relationship where your heart is involved. This can also work the other way and mean that you are going to be pursued by several interested people romantically.
Finances: Even though money may be tight, try to look at your financial situation calmly and dispassionately. You may not be able to meet all your obligations immediately. That does not mean that you will never be able to meet them. Do what you can and be honest about the situation. Things will be better financially soon, likely in a matter of weeks.
Health: You may be frustrated in your search for answers about your health. If you're being blocked, pushing forward may not be the best response. Sometimes the best solution is to go around the obstacle. At a minimum, give yourself a break for a few hours. You could use the rest. You may be working far too hard, which could affect your health negatively.
Work: Know that you are facing competition, but if you play your cards right, that you can compete successfully. The only way to lose for sure is not to try. Play fair even if all around you are not doing so. People who play dirty may seem to win in the short term, but as Gandhi Ji said, that sort of win is never, ever permanent.
Love: The person you have your eye on maybe being pursued by several people. Even so, give it your best shot. You need to know that you have done all that you can for this relationship where your heart is involved. This can also work the other way and mean that you are going to be pursued by several interested people romantically.
Finances: Even though money may be tight, try to look at your financial situation calmly and dispassionately. You may not be able to meet all your obligations immediately. That does not mean that you will never be able to meet them. Do what you can and be honest about the situation. Things will be better financially soon, likely in a matter of weeks.
Health: You may be frustrated in your search for answers about your health. If you're being blocked, pushing forward may not be the best response. Sometimes the best solution is to go around the obstacle. At a minimum, give yourself a break for a few hours. You could use the rest. You may be working far too hard, which could affect your health negatively.
The chaos brought on by the Five of Wands comes and goes quickly. Unless you’ve been trying to avoid the inevitable, you now have a moment to catch your breath.
Sometimes avoiding a conflict can get you out of a nasty scrape. When reversed, the Five of Wands Tarot card can also show a period of quiet after a recent turmoil. That’s your chance to regroup. The reversed 5 of Wands can indicate open conflict and competition. Usually, this is in the career/work arena. Know that you don't have to - and should not - face this alone should problems arise at work; there are competent advisors at your disposal should things become difficult. Take one step at a time and think before you act or speak. General: As with the upright 5 of Wands, you have a real need to believe in and trust yourself now. If something or someone doesn't pass the "smell test" to you now, trust your instincts. However, no matter what happens, be hesitant to escalate conflict or to take irrevocable steps. Don't be hasty, no matter how angry you get in the coming weeks. Work: There may be disputes coming up at work if you are currently employed when this card appears. If so, think calmly and rationally and avoid arguments to the best of your ability. Make sure you have protected yourself as well as you can, in terms of tracking your actions, having a paper trail, having witnesses during contentious discussions, and so forth. If you are looking for work, don't be discouraged by the competition out there. You have your own unique talents to bring to the table. Think positively. Love: The reversed 4 of Wands can indicate that a relationship is likely to become much more committed in the near future, up to and including marriage. You may have a marriage or special event to attend even if you are single and uncommitted. Make a point to go if you are invited to such an event. You could meet the love of your life at someone else's wedding. Think positively. |
Finances: If you are having money difficulties now, this is a time to carefully question your old assumptions. You may have assumed there is nothing you can do to cut your expenses or to bring in more money or get a higher return on your investments.Think again. Try to look at your situation as though it was that of a third party.
Health: The reversed 5 of Wands can indicate that you are trying to deal with physical pain. If you are in pain, these are not signals to ignore or to let your healthcare practitioner ignore, even if there is no clear reason for the pain that has been found yet.Pain affects ones' quality of life if it is not relieved. A dietary change may help. Heat and massage are also often useful.