Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings
Lord of Swiftness
Lord of Swiftness
Themes: Movement. The “light bulb” moment. Brilliant yet fleeting. Messages in motion. Divine inspiration. Vehicles of will. The speed of light. Express package delivery.
Element: Fire Zodiac Signs : Aries, Leo & Sagittarius Healing Crystals : Carnelian Eight of Wands Keywords
UPRIGHT: Movement, fast paced change, action, alignment, air travel REVERSED: Delays, frustration, resisting change, internal alignment Numerology8(eight)
Kabbalistically, eights are associated with Mercury’s swiftness. In traditional Numerology, 8 corresponds to Saturn, the creator/destroyer. In the Suit of Wands, these energies combine to show that powerful events are unfolding rapidly. |
Eight of Wand’s fiery energy is all about movement and speed. As the staff in this card soar across the sky like a volley of arrows, the focus here is really about being quicker at the draw. Aiming carefully is less important.
As the cloudless sky shows in the Eight of Wands, it’s clear sailing for these wands. But its blue colour also suggests that their flight is guided by intuition – and hope – rather than careful planning.
The Eight of Wands Tarot card expresses a terrific sense of optimism that’s fuelled by lofty ideals. It also suggests a degree of disorganization.
From high up, the landscape below looks more perfect than it may really be. All you can see from here is the beautiful castle on the hill surrounded by green pastures that are irrigated by the beautiful river. These things symbolize success and prosperity.
But the distance also shows that you don’t know all the details. The staffs’ downward motion and the fact that their upper ends are outside the image also indicates that you may be receiving spiritual communications.
As the cloudless sky shows in the Eight of Wands, it’s clear sailing for these wands. But its blue colour also suggests that their flight is guided by intuition – and hope – rather than careful planning.
The Eight of Wands Tarot card expresses a terrific sense of optimism that’s fuelled by lofty ideals. It also suggests a degree of disorganization.
From high up, the landscape below looks more perfect than it may really be. All you can see from here is the beautiful castle on the hill surrounded by green pastures that are irrigated by the beautiful river. These things symbolize success and prosperity.
But the distance also shows that you don’t know all the details. The staffs’ downward motion and the fact that their upper ends are outside the image also indicates that you may be receiving spiritual communications.
When you see the Eight of Wands in a reading, great distances are covered quickly and long journeys are coming to an end. The Eight of Wands card may suggest that travel may be in your near future.
It could be for a business trip or that long overdue vacation. An important life goal is now in sight. An upright Eight of Wands Tarot card is a sign that your focus is laser-sharp right now and your energies can’t be contained.
The Eight of Wands card announces rapid progress in all things. Just be careful not to overlook important details, if you’re in a rush to get things done. On a professional level, the Eight of Wands Tarot card suggests that you’re a better leader than a manager.
A lot of things may be up in the air for you when the 8 of Wands appears. You may be frustrated, tired of waiting. This card is an indicator to be patient a while longer. You may have already done all you can do and decisions now must be made by other people.
It could be for a business trip or that long overdue vacation. An important life goal is now in sight. An upright Eight of Wands Tarot card is a sign that your focus is laser-sharp right now and your energies can’t be contained.
The Eight of Wands card announces rapid progress in all things. Just be careful not to overlook important details, if you’re in a rush to get things done. On a professional level, the Eight of Wands Tarot card suggests that you’re a better leader than a manager.
A lot of things may be up in the air for you when the 8 of Wands appears. You may be frustrated, tired of waiting. This card is an indicator to be patient a while longer. You may have already done all you can do and decisions now must be made by other people.
General: When this card appears, nothing seems to be moving ahead. Don't try to force things, as that is likely to backfire on you. Speaking metaphorically, sometimes our actions are all on the wrist, all you can do is put your best out there and see where it lands. You've put your best out there, now wait.
Work: You are probably waiting on decisions that have to be made by others. Chances are good that the outcome will be positive but don't try to push people before they are ready. Be patient. The logjam will break soon, but it isn't up to you to break it.
Love: In the context of love, when the 8 appears, you probably are feeling ready for a commitment that doesn't seem to be forthcoming. Again, you must not push someone before they are ready. You can't get your needs met by force.
Distract yourself if necessary and your beloved may be back to you before you know it, offering the love you'd been hoping for.
Finances: Things don't seem to be moving financially. This is not a good time to take speculative investments unless you are looking at the very long-term. Things are in flux. Save money. Watch your spending habits. Again, patience is called for.
Health: You may be anxiously waiting for test results or for information on what a particular health problem actually means. Take one moment at a time, think positively, and know that it may take a while to get to the bottom of what is really happening.
Advocate for yourself, ask questions, educate yourself as much as you can. Your healers have a lot of patients to care for. You only have yourself. Keep plugging ahead and things are likely to be fine.
Work: You are probably waiting on decisions that have to be made by others. Chances are good that the outcome will be positive but don't try to push people before they are ready. Be patient. The logjam will break soon, but it isn't up to you to break it.
Love: In the context of love, when the 8 appears, you probably are feeling ready for a commitment that doesn't seem to be forthcoming. Again, you must not push someone before they are ready. You can't get your needs met by force.
Distract yourself if necessary and your beloved may be back to you before you know it, offering the love you'd been hoping for.
Finances: Things don't seem to be moving financially. This is not a good time to take speculative investments unless you are looking at the very long-term. Things are in flux. Save money. Watch your spending habits. Again, patience is called for.
Health: You may be anxiously waiting for test results or for information on what a particular health problem actually means. Take one moment at a time, think positively, and know that it may take a while to get to the bottom of what is really happening.
Advocate for yourself, ask questions, educate yourself as much as you can. Your healers have a lot of patients to care for. You only have yourself. Keep plugging ahead and things are likely to be fine.
When reversed, the Eight of Wands Tarot card points out that a situation cannot progress because important issues still need to be resolved. Maybe things just need a little more time, which means all that’s required of you is some patience. But there may be other reasons why they’re still up in the air.
Your relationship may be strained by constant arguing and jealousy. Jealousy is a more serious problem and it actually says more about you than your partner. Before you level accusations, make sure you have all the facts. Once you’ve voiced your suspicion, should you be wrong, repairing the damage will take a lot of time and hard work. As with the upright 8, the reversed 8 of Wands generally counsels patience. Some things in life cannot be forced or hurried. At the same time, look at how you are using your precious and limited energy. General: You may be feeling guilty about something when you receive the reversed 8 of Wands. Remember that there is nothing that can be changed about the past; the only good thing that guilt can create is a change in future behaviour. Sometimes the best thing to do is to forgive yourself. But your conscience is there for a reason. Don't ignore it. Work: There may be disagreements and arguments at work when this card appears. You and/or the people you work with have put too much effort into things to let relatively petty issues derail major issues. Back off, cool down and rethink. If you are looking for work, unfortunately, there may be a delay in a decision you have been waiting for. Be patient and trust that things will work out the way they should. Love: In the context of love, when the 8 of Wands reversed appears, you may need to watch out for pangs of jealousy, whether in an existing committed love relationship or in a relationship that you are just hopeful about. Jealousy gets you nowhere and is not proof of love. Be self-possessed and self-sufficient. |
Finances: The reversed 8 of Wands, as with the upright meaning, counsels patience and long-term thinking with regard to finances and money. Take a deep breath and hang on.
Health: Again, when the 8 of Wands reversed appears in a health question, patience and calmness are necessary. You will not help your health status by being overly anxious or fearful. Don't fear the worst and don't suffer from health problems that may not ever happen.